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F  Conflict refiner, IIS, SA and Warm Start

It is possible to perform infeasibility and sensitivity analysis with TOMLAB /CPLEX. The inputs and outputs are described in detail in Section A.1 and A.2.

F.1  Conflict refiner

A conflict is a set of mutually contradictory constraints and bounds within a model. Given an infeasible model, TOMLAB /CPLEX can identify conflicting constraints and bounds within it. TOMLAB /CPLEX refines an infeasible model by examining elements that can be removed from the conflict to arrive at a minimal conflict. A conflict smaller than the full model may make it easier for the user to analyze the source of infeasibilities in the original model.

If the model happens to contain multiple independent causes of infeasibility, it may be necessary for the user to repair one cause and then repeat the process with a further refinement.

A file included in the TOMLAB distribution to enable easy use of the feature.

F.1.1  cpxBuildConflict

cpxBuildConflict provides a shortcut for generating conflict refinement groups, for use with the Conflict Refinement feature of TOMLAB /CPLEX.
Calling Syntax
(1) function confgrps = cpxBuildConflict(Prob,mode)
(2) function confgrps = cpxBuildConflict(n,m_lin,m_quad,m_sos,m_ind,'mode')

Description of Inputs

The following inputs are used:
Inputs for (1): function confgrps = cpxBuildConflict(Prob,mode
Prob TOMLAB problem structure, describing a LP/QP/MILP/MIQP/MIQQ problem.
mode String indicating which type of conflict group set is desired.
  A 'full' conflict group set will consist of one group for each individual variable (upper+lower bound), linear, quadratic, sos and indicator constraint in the problem. This will be very large group set.
  A 'minimal' set consists of at the most 6 groups: one each for all variable lower+upper bounds, linear, sos, indicator, quad constraints.
Inputs for (2): function confgrps = cpxBuildConflict(n,m_lin,m_quad,m_sos,m_ind,'mode')
n Number of variables
m_lin Number of linear constraints
m_quad Number of quadratic constraints
m_sos Number of SOS constraints
m_ind Number of indicator constraints
mode Mode indicator as described above

The confgrps is used as an input to cplex.m or cplexTL.m.

F.2  IIS

IIS is obsolete in the latest version of TOMLAB /CPLEX.

If TOMLAB /CPLEX reports that your problem is infeasible, then you can invoke the TOMLAB /CPLEX infeasibility finder to help you analyze the source of the infeasibility. This diagnostic tool computes a set of infeasible constraints and column bounds that would be feasible if one of them (a constraint or variable) were removed. Such a set is known as an irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS).

To work, the infeasibility finder must have a problem that satisfies two conditions:
  • the problem has been optimized by the primal or dual simplex optimizer or by the barrier optimizer with crossover, and

  • the optimizer has terminated with a declaration of infeasibility.
Correcting Multiple Infeasibilities

The infeasibility finder will find only one irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS), though a given problem may contain many independent IISs. Consequently, even after you detect and correct one such IIS in your problem, it may still remain infeasible. In such a case, you need to run the infeasibility finder more than once to detect those multiple causes of infeasibility in your problem.

Interpreting IIS Output

The size of the IIS reported by TOMLAB /CPLEX depends on many factors in the model. If an IIS contains hundreds of rows and columns, you may find it hard to determine the cause of the infeasibility. Fortunately, there are tactics to help you interpret IIS output:
  • Consider selecting an alternative IIS algorithm. The default algorithm emphasizes computation speed, and it may give rise to a relatively large IIS. See parameter IISIND.

  • If the problem contains equality constraints, examine the cumulative constraint consisting of the sum of the equality rows.

  • Try preprocessing with the TOMLAB /CPLEX presolver and aggregator. The presolver may even detect infeasibility by itself. If not, running the infeasibility finder on the presolved problem may help by reducing the problem size and removing extraneous constraints that do not directly cause the infeasibility but still appear in the IIS. Similarly, running the infeasibility finder on an aggregated problem may help because the aggregator performs substitutions that may remove extraneous variables that clutter the IIS output. More generally, if you perform substitutions, you may simplify the output so that it can be interpreted more easily.

  • Other simplifications of the constraints in the IIS, such as combining variables, multiplying constraints by constants, and rearranging sums, may make it easier to interpret the IIS.

F.3  SA

The availability of a basis for an LP allows you to perform sensitivity analysis for your model, if it is an LP. Such analysis tells you by how much you can modify your model without affecting the solution you found. The modifications supported by the sensitivity analysis function include bound changes, changes of the right hand side vector and changes of the objective function.

F.4  Warm Start

When solving a large number of small and similar LP problems with the same size it is recommended to use TOMLAB /CPLEX in a slightly different manner to avoid unnecessary overhead and preserve memory.

This objective is achieved by calling cplexmex directly as done internally in cplex.

A call to cplexmex will return a basis, which can be used to efficiently warm start the solution process of a modified problem. The following code exemplifies the process. In general it is recommended to use the TOMLAB format as well and compare solutions to make sure that the problem is correctly entered.

 % See cplex.m to backtrack the inputs.
 Prob = lpAssign(...);
 PriLev = 0;
 basis = [];

 [x, slack, v, rc, f_k, ninf, sinf, Inform, basis] = ...
 cplexmex(Prob.QP.c, sparse([]), sparse(Prob.A), zeros(12,1) , ...
 Prob.x_L, Prob.x_U, Prob.b_L, Prob.b_U, 1e20, 1, PriLev, Prob, ...
                zeros(Prob.N,1), [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ...
                [], [], [], [], [], [], [], basis);

 % Change the problem and input the basis returned above

 Prob.x_L(1) = 2;

 [x, slack, v, rc, f_k, ninf, sinf, Inform, basis] = ...
 cplexmex(Prob.QP.c, sparse([]), sparse(Prob.A), zeros(12,1) , ...
 Prob.x_L, Prob.x_U, Prob.b_L, Prob.b_U, 1e20, 1, PriLev, Prob, ...
                zeros(Prob.N,1), [], [], [], [], [], [], [], ...
                [], [], [], [], [], [], [], basis);

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