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1 Installation Guide Overview

This guide describes the installation of the TOMLAB Optimization Environment on the following operating systems: Windows (XP, XP-64, Vista, 7, 8, 10), Linux (64-bit), Mac OS X (Intel, 64-bit). It is basically the same procedure on all operating systems: Execute the installer, possibly set some environment variables and install the license files.

The first step is to register as a TOMLAB user and download the appropriate distribution. Execute ’ver’ and ’computer’ in MATLAB to find out which version you have.

Make sure the system is supported by TOMLAB in Section 2, then go to Section 3 and follow the instruction to obtain a copy of TOMLAB. When the installation file has been downloaded, go to Subsection 4 for the system in question and follow the instructions. To get some modules of TOMLAB to work, e.g: TOMLAB /CPLEX and TOMLAB /KNITRO, some environment variables may need to be set. How to do this is described in Section 5. The last step is to install the license file(s), which is described in Section 6.

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