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2  Using the Matlab Interface

The OQNLP and MSNLP (LSGRG2) solvers are accessed via the tomRun driver routine, which calls the appropriate interface routine (for example oqnlpTL). The solvers themselves are located in a set of MEX files: oqnlp, msnlp and lsgrg2.

The interface routines.
Function Description Section
oqnlpTL The interface routine called by the TOMLAB driver routine tomRun. This routine then calls the MEX file oqnlp 4.1
oqnlp_g Interface routine called by OQNLP when an objective gradient is not given and integer variables are included.  
oqnlp_dc Interface routine called by OQNLP when a Jacobian is not given and integer variables are included.  
oqnlp_gdc Interface routine called by OQNLP when a gradient or Jacobian are not given using the simAssign format and integer variables are included.  
msnlpTL The interface routine called by the TOMLAB driver routine tomRun. This routine then calls the MEX file msnlp 4.2
lsgrg2TL The interface routine called by the TOMLAB driver routine tomRun. This routine then calls the MEX file lsgrg2 4.3

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