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10  GLC Problem

The global mixed-integer nonlinear programming (glc) problem is defined as
−∞ < xL x xU < ∞
  bL A x bU  
  cL c(x) cU,  xj ∈ N   ∀ j ∈ I,
where x, xL, xU ∈ Rn, f(x) ∈ R, A ∈ Rm1 × n, bL,bU ∈ Rm1 and cL,c(x),cU ∈ Rm2. The variables x ∈ I, the index subset of 1,...,n, are restricted to be integers.

The following file defines a test problem in TOMNET.
using System;
using TOMNET;

namespace TOMNET
  /// <summary>
  /// Quick guide class for (glc) programming.
  /// </summary>
  public static class glcQG
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes function value for Hock-Schittkowski 59.
    /// </summary>
    private class glcQG_f : IFunction
      // Constants used by objective function
      public double[] u = new double[19]
        {75.196,     3.8112,    0.0020567,   1.0345E-5,
          6.8306,    0.030234,  1.28134E-3,  2.266E-7,
          0.25645,   0.0034604, 1.3514E-5,  28.106,
          5.2375E-6, 6.3E-8,    7E-10,       3.405E-4,
          1.6638E-6, 2.8673,    3.5256E-5};

      /// <summary>
      /// Objective function.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="f">Value of the objective function.</param>
      /// <param name="x">The decision variables.</param>
      public void Evaluate(double[] f, double[] x)
        f[0] = -u[0] + u[1] * x[0] +
          u[2] * Math.Pow(x[0], 3)- u[3] * Math.Pow(x[0], 4) +
          u[4] * x[1] - u[5] * x[0] * x[1] +
          u[6] * x[1] * Math.Pow(x[0], 2) +
          u[7] * Math.Pow(x[0], 4) * x[1] -
          u[8] * Math.Pow(x[1], 2) + u[9] * Math.Pow(x[1], 3) -
          u[10] * Math.Pow(x[1], 4) + u[11] / (x[1] + 1) +
          u[12] * Math.Pow(x[0], 2) * Math.Pow(x[1], 2) +
          u[13] * Math.Pow(x[0], 3) * Math.Pow(x[1], 2) -
          u[14] * Math.Pow(x[0], 3) * Math.Pow(x[1], 3) +
          u[17] * Math.Exp(0.0005 * x[0] * x[1]) -
          u[18] * Math.Pow(x[0], 3) * x[1] -
          u[15] * x[0] * Math.Pow(x[1], 2) +
          u[16] * x[0] * Math.Pow(x[1], 3) -
          0.12694 * Math.Pow(x[0], 2);

    /// <summary>
    /// Computes constraints for Hock-Schittkowski 59.
    /// </summary>
    private class glcQG_c : IDConstraints

      /// <summary>
      /// Nonlinear constraints evaluation.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="cx">
      /// Values of the nonlinear constraints.
      /// </param>
      /// <param name="x">The decision variables.</param>
      public void Evaluate(double[] cx, double[] x)
        cx[0] = x[0] * x[1] - 700;
        cx[1] = x[1] - Math.Pow(x[0], 2) / 125;
        cx[2] = Math.Pow(x[1] - 50, 2) - 5 * (x[0] - 55);

      /// <summary>
      /// Nonlinear constraints evaluation,
      /// alternative implementation
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="x">The decision variables.</param>
      /// <returns>Values of the nonlinear constraints.</returns>
      public double[] Evaluate(double[] x)
        double[] cx = new double[3];
        this.Evaluate(cx, x);
        return cx;

      /// <summary>
      /// Constraint Jacobian evaluation.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="Jac">Values of the constraint Jacobian.</param>
      /// <param name="x">The decision variables.</param>
      public void dc(Jacobian Jac, double[] x)
        Jac[0,0] = x[1];
        Jac[0,1] = x[0];

        Jac[1,0] = 1;
        Jac[1,1] = x[0] / 62.5;

        Jac[2,0] = -5;
        Jac[2,1] = 2 * x[1] - 100;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates and returns a glcProblem.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// glcProblem
    /// </returns>
    public static ConProblem getglcQG()
      // Problem Name.
      string Name = "glcQG";

      // Number of decision variables and nonlinear constraints
      const int N = 2;
      const int mNonLin = 3;

      // For use in bounds.
      double inf = double.PositiveInfinity;

      // Lower and upper bounds for decision variables as well
      // as the starting point for the solver.
      double[] x_0 = new double[N] { 10, 50 };
      double[] x_L = new double[2] { 0, 0 };
      double[] x_U = new double[2] { 75, 65};

      // Lower and upper bounds for nonlinear constraints.
      double[] c_L = new double[mNonLin] {0, 0, 0};
      double[] c_U = new double[mNonLin] {inf, inf, inf};

      // Information about Optimum.
      double[] x_opt = new double[N] { 13.55010424, 51.66018129 };
      double[] f_opt = new double[1] { -7.804226324 };
      double f_Low = -20.0;

      // Instances of objective function and nonlinear constraints
      glcQG_f F = new glcQG_f();
      glcQG_c C = new glcQG_c();

      // Creating an instance of the problem
      ConProblem Prob = new ConProblem(F, C, c_L, c_U, x_L, x_U, x_0,
        Name, f_Low, f_opt, x_opt);
      return Prob;

    /// <summary>
    /// Testprogram for glcQG.
    /// </summary>
    static void Main()
      // Create a problem, solver and result instance.
      ConProblem Prob = getglcQG();
      SNOPT solver = new SNOPT();
      Result result;

      // Define a print file for SNOPT
      string printfilename = "SnoptGlcQG.txt";
      solver.Options.PrintFile = printfilename;

      // Solve the problem
      solver.Solve(Prob, out result);

      // Get the solution results
      double[] solution = result.x_k;
      double objective = result.f_k;

      // Display the solution on the screen
      Console.WriteLine(" * * * * * * * *");
      Console.WriteLine(" * Solved a glcProblem");
      Console.WriteLine(" * Printfile: " + printfilename);
      Console.WriteLine(" * Objective: {0,10:F6}", objective);

      Console.WriteLine(" * Solution");
      Console.WriteLine("        x_L[i] <=     x_k[i] <=     x_U[i]");
      for (int i = 0; i < Prob.N; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("    {0,10:F6} <= {1,10:F6} <= {2,10:F6} ",
          Prob.x_L[i], solution[i], Prob.x_U[i]);

      // Get the solution results for nonlinear constraints
      double[] cx = new double[Prob.mNonLin];
      Prob.c(cx, result.x_k);

      // Display the solution on the console.
      Console.WriteLine(" * Constraints");
      Console.WriteLine("        c_L[i] <=      cx[i] <=     c_U[i]");
      for (int i = 0; i < Prob.mNonLin; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("    {0,10:F6} <= {1,10:F6} <= {2,10:F6} ",
          Prob.c_L[i], cx[i], Prob.c_U[i]);
Only the objective function and nonlinear constraints are given for this problem type.
  f:   Function
  c:   Constraints
The following picture illustrates the output displayed:

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