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4  The DUNDEE structure

Information stored in the structure Prob.DUNDEE
Field Description
callback If 1, use a callback to Matlab to compute QP.F x in BQPD and miqpBB . Faster when F is large and nearly dense. Avoids copying the matrix to the MEX solvers.
kmax Maximum dimension of the reduced space (k ), default equal to dimension of problem. Set to 0 if solving an LP problem.
mlp Maximum number of levels of recursion.
mode Mode of operation, default set as 2 * Prob.WarmStart.
x Solution (warmstart).
k Dimension of reduced space (warmstart).
e Steepest-edge normalization coefficient (warmstart).
ls Indices of active constraints, first nk. (warmstart).
lp List of pointers to recursion information in ls (warmstart).
peq Pointer to end of equality constraint indices in ls (warmstart).
PrintFile Name of print file. Amount/print type is determined by Prob.DUNDEE.optPar(1) .
optPar Vector with optimization parameters. Described in Table 4.

Prob.DUNDEE.optPar values used by TOMLAB /MINLP solvers . −999 in any element gives default value.
        Used by:
Index Name Default Description BQPD miqpBB filterSQP minlpBB
1 iprint 0 Print level in DUNDEE solvers. O O O O
2 tol 10−10 Relative accuracy in BQPD solution. O O O O
3 emin 1 1/0: Use/do not use constraint scaling in BQPD O O O O
4 sgnf 5 10−4 Maximum relative error in two numbers equal in exact arithmetic. O O O O
5 nrep 2 Maximum number of refinement steps. O O O O
6 npiv 3 No repeat of more than npiv steps were taken. O O O O
7 nres 2 Maximum number of restarts if unsuccessful. O O O O
8 nfreq 500 Maximum interval between refactorizations. O O O O
9 ubd 100 Constraint violation parameter I - - O O
10 tt 0.125 Constraint violation parameter II - - O O
11 NLP_eps 10−6 Relative tolerance for NLP solutions - - O O
12 epsilon 10−6 Accuracy for x tests O O O O
13 MIopttol 10−4 Accuracy for f tests - O - O
14 fIP 1020 Upper bound on the IP value wanted. - O - O
15 timing 0 1/0: Use/do not use timing - O - -
16 max_time 4000 Maximum time (sec's) allowed for the run - O - -
17 branchtype 1 Branching strategy (1,2,3) - O - -
18 ifsFirst 0 Exit when first IP solution is found - O - -
19 infty 1020 Large value used to represent infinity O O O O
20 Nonlin 0 Treat all constraints as nonlinear if 1 - - O O

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