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3  Setting KNITRO  options

All KNITRO  control parameters are possible to set from Matlab . To get intermediate results printed to the Matlab command window, use the Prob.PriLevOpt  parameter.

3.1  Setting options using the KNITRO.options structure

The parameters can be set as subfields in the Prob.KNITRO.options  structure. The following example shows how to set a limit on the maximum number of iterations, and selecting the feasible version of KNITRO :
Prob = conAssign(...)              % Setup problem, see help conAssign for more information

Prob.KNITRO.options.MAXIT    = 200; % Setting maximum number of iterations
Prob.KNITRO.options.FEASIBLE = 1;   % Select feasible KNITRO
The maximum number of iterations can also be done through the TOMLAB  parameter MaxIter :
Prob.optParam.MaxIter = 200;
In the cases where a solver specific parameter has a corresponding TOMLAB  general parameter, the latter is used only if the user has not given the solver specific parameter.

A complete description of the available KNITRO  parameters can be found in Section 4.1.

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