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If PriLevOpt=0 then all printing of output is suppressed. For the default printing output level (PriLevOpt=2) the following information is given:

Nondefault Options:

This output lists all user options (see Section 4.1) which are different from their default values. If nothing is listed in this section then all user options are set to their default values.

Problem Characteristics:

The output begins with a descriptionoftheproblemcharacteristics.

Iteration Information:

A major iteration, in the context of Knitro, is defined as a step which generates a new solution estimate (i.e., a successful step). A minor iteration is one which generates a trial step (which may either be accepted or rejected). After the problem characteristic information there are columns of data reflecting information about each iteration of the run. Below is a description of the values contained under each column header:
Iteration number.
The step result. The values in this column indicate whether or not the step attempted during the iteration was accepted (Acc) or rejected (Rej) by the merit function. If the step was rejected, the solution estimate was not updated. (This information is only printed if PriLevOpt>3).
Gives the value of the objective function at the trial iterate.
Feas err:
Gives a measure of the feasibility violation at the trial iterate.
Opt Err:
Gives a measure of the violation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) (first-order) optimality conditions (not including feasibility).
The 2-norm length of the step (i.e., the distance between the trial iterate and the old iterate).
CG its:
The number of Projected Conjugate Gradient (CG) iterations required to compute the step.
If PriLevOpt=2, information is printed every 10 major iterations. If
PriLevOpt=3 information is printed at each major iteration. If PriLevOpt=4 in addition to printing iteration information on all the major iterations (i.e., accepted steps), the same information will be printed on all minor iterations as well.

Termination Message: At the end of the run a termination message is printed indicating whether or not the optimal solution was found and if not, why the code terminated. See 4.1                   for a list of possible termination messages and a description of their meaning and corresponding return value.

Final Statistics:

Following the termination message some final statistics on the run are printed. Both relative and absolute error values are printed.

Solution Vector/Constraints:

If PriLevOpt=5, the values of the solution vector are printed after the final statistics. If PriLevOpt=6, the final constraint values are also printed before the solution vector and the values of the Lagrange multipliers (or dual variables) are printed next to their corresponding constraint or bound.

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