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5  Termination Test and Optimality

Internally in TOMLAB /KNITRO the problems solved by Knitro have the form
subject to   h(x) = 0
    g(x) ≤ 0.

The first-order conditions for identifying a locally optimal solution of the problem 3 are:
  ∇x L (x,λ) = ∇ f(x) +
i ∈ E
λi∇ hi(x) +
i ∈ I
λi∇ gi(x)
= 0       (4)
λi gi(x) = 0,    i ∈ I       (5)
hi(x) = 0,    i ∈ E       (6)
gi(x) 0,    i ∈ I       (7)
λi 0,    i ∈ I       (8)
where E and I represent the sets of indices corresponding to the equality constraints and inequality constraints respectively, and λi is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to constraint i. In TOMLAB /KNITRO we define the feasibility error (Feas err) at a point xk to be the maximum violation of the constraints 6, 7, i.e.,
Feas err =
i ∈ E∪ I
(0, |hi(xk)|, gi(xk)),     (9)
while the optimality error (Opt err) is defined as the maximum violation of the first two conditions 4, 5,
Opt err =
i ∈ I
(∥∇x L(xkk) ∥, |λi gi(xk)|, |λi|, |gi(xk)|).     (10)
The last optimality condition 8 is enforced explicitly throughout the optimization. In order to take into account problem scaling in the termination test, the following scaling factors are defined
τ1 = max(1, |hi(x0)|, gi(x0)),       (11)
τ2 = max(1, ∥∇ f(xk)∥),       (12)
where x0 represents the initial point.

For unconstrained problems, the scaling 12 is not effective since ∥∇ f(xk)∥→ 0 as a solution is approached. Therefore, for unconstrained problems only, the following scaling is used in the termination test
τ2 = max(1, min(|f(xk)| , ∥∇ f(x0)∥)),     (13)
in place of 12.

TOMLAB /KNITRO stops and declares LOCALLY OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND if the following stopping conditions are satisfied:
Feas err max(τ1*FEASTOL, FEASTOLABS)       (14)
Opt err max(τ2*OPTTOL, OPTTOLABS)       (15)
OPTTOLABS are user-defined options (see Section 4.1).

This stopping test is designed to give the user much flexibility in deciding when the solution returned by TOMLAB /KNITRO is accurate enough. One can use a purely scaled stopping test (which is the recommended default option) by setting FEASTOLABS and OPTTOLABS equal to 0.0e0. Likewise, an absolute stopping test can be enforced by setting FEASTOL and OPTTOL equal to 0.0e0.

Unbounded problems

Since by default, TOMLAB /KNITRO uses a relative/scaled stopping test it is possible for the optimality conditions to be satisfied for an unbounded problem. For example, if τ2 → ∞ while the optimality error 10 stays bounded, condition 15 will eventually be satisfied for some OPTTOL>0. If you suspect that your problem may be unbounded, using an absolute stopping test will allow TOMLAB /KNITRO to detect this.

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