A detailed description of the TOMLAB /KNITRO solver interface is given
below. Also see the M-file help for
Solve nonlinear constrained optimization problems.
Prob = *Assign( ... );
Prob |
Problem description structure. The following fields are used: |
Prob |
Problem description structure. The following fields are used:, continued |
x_0 |
Starting point. |
x_L |
Lower bounds on variables. |
x_U |
Upper bounds on variables. |
A |
Linear constraints matrix. |
b_L |
Lower bounds for linear constraints. |
b_U |
Upper bounds for linear constraints. |
c_L |
Lower bounds for nonlinear constraints. |
c_U |
Upper bounds for nonlinear constraints. |
LargeScale |
If 1, indicates that the problem should be treated as sparse.
This makes knitroTL send a sparse version of Prob.A to the
solver. To avoid poor performance, sparse ConsPattern and
d2LPattern should be given.
(Default 1). |
ConsPattern |
The sparse m2 × n 0-1 pattern indicating nonzero elements in the nonlinear constraint Jacobian matrix. |
d2LPattern |
The sparse n× n 0-1 pattern indicating nonzero elements in the Hessian of the Lagrangian function f(x)+λ c(x). |
f_Low |
A lower bound on the objective function value. KNITRO will stop
if it finds an x for which f(x)<=fLow. |
PriLevOpt |
Print level in solver. TOMLAB /KNITRO supports solver
progress information being printed to the MATLAB command
window as well as to a file. |
For output only to the command window: set PriLevOpt
to a positive value (1-6) and set: |
Prob.KNITRO.PrintFile = ”; |
If PrintFile is set to a valid filename, the same
information will be written to the file (if PriLevOpt
is nonzero). |
or printing only to the PrintFile, set a name (or
knitro.txt will be used) and a negative PriLevOpt
value. For example: |
Prob.KNITRO.PrintFile = 'myprob.txt'; |
Prob.PriLevOpt = -2; |
To run TOMLAB /KNITRO silently, set PriLevOpt=0; |
0: |
Printing of all output is suppressed (default). |
1: |
Only summary information is printed. |
2: |
Information every 10 major iterations is printed where a major
iteration is defined by a new solution estimate. |
3: |
Information at each major iteration is printed. |
4: |
Information is printed at each major and minor iteration
where a minor iteration is defined by a trial iterate. |
5: |
In addition, the values of the solution vector
x are printed. |
6: |
In addition, the values of the constraints c and
Lagrange multipliers lambda are printed. |
Structure with special fields for KNITRO parameters. Fields used are: |
PrintFile |
Name of file to print solver progress and status
information to. Please see PriLevOpt parameter
described above. |
options |
Structure with KNITRO options. Any element not given is replaced by a default value, in some cases fetched from standard Tomlab parameters. |
Indicates which optimization algorithm to use to solve the problem. Default 0. |
0: automatic algorithm selection. |
1: Interior/Direct algorithm. |
2: Interior/CG algorithm. |
3: Active algorithm, SLQP. |
Specifies the initial barrier parameter value
for the interior-point algorithms. This option has no effect on the
Active Set algorithm. Default 1.0e−1. |
Indicates whether an initial point strategy is used with barrier
algorithms. If the “honorbnds” or “feasible” options are enabled,
then a request to shift may be ignored. This option has no effect on
the Active Set algorithm. Default 0. |
0 (auto): |
Let Knitro automatically choose the strategy. |
1 (yes): |
Shift the initial point to improve barrier algorithm performance. |
2 (no): |
Do no alter the initial point supplied by the user. |
Indicates the maximum allowable number of backtracks during the linesearch of the Interior/Direct algorithm before reverting to a CG step.
Increasing this value will make the Interior/Direct algorithm less
likely to take CG steps. If the Interior/Direct algorithm is taking
a large number of CG steps (as indicated by a positive value for “CG
its” in the output), this may improve performance. This option has
no effect on the Active Set algorithm. Default value: 3. |
Indicates the maximum number of refactorizations of the KKT
system per iteration of the Interior/Direct algorithm before reverting to a CG step. These
refactorizations are performed if negative curvature is detected in the
model. |
Rather than reverting to a CG step, the Hessian matrix is modified in an attempt to make
the subproblem convex and then the KKT system is refactorized. Increasing this value will
make the Interior/Direct algorithm less likely to take CG steps. If the Interior/Direct
algorithm is taking a large number of CG steps (as indicated by a positive value for “CG its”
in the output), this may improve performance. This option has no effect on the Active
Set algorithm. Default value: 0. |
Indicates which strategy to use for
modifying the barrier parameter in the interior point code.
Some strategies are only available for the Interior/Direct algorithm.
(see Section 7). Default 0. |
0: automatically choose the rule for updating the barrier parameter. |
1: monotonically decrease the barrier parameter. |
2: an adaptive rule based on the complementarity gap to determine the value of the barrier parameter at every iteration. |
3: uses a probing (affine-scaling) step to dynamically determine the barrier parameter value at each iteration. |
4: uses a Mehrotra predictor-corrector type rule to determine the barrier parameter with safeguards on the corrector step. |
5: uses a Mehrotra predictor-corrector type rule to determine the barrier parameter without safeguards on the corrector step. |
6: minimizes a quality function at each iteration to determine the barrier parameter. |
NOTE: Only strategies 0-2 are available for the Interior/CG algorithm. All strategies are
available for the Interior/Direct algorithm. Strategies 4 and 5 are
typically recommended for linear programs or convex quadratic
programs. Many problems benefit from a non-default setting of this
option and it is recommended to experiment with all settings. In
particular we recommend trying strategy 6 when using the
Interior/Direct algorithm. This parameter
is not applicable to the Active algorithm. |
Specifies the BLAS/LAPACK function library to use for basic vector and matrix computations. Default 0. |
0: Use KNITRO builtin functions. |
1: Use Intel MKL functions. |
NOTE: BLAS and LAPACK functions from the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) 8.1 are
provided with the Knitro distribution. The MKL is available for
Windows, Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), and Mac OS X (32-bit x86); it is
not available for Solaris or Mac OS X PowerPC. |
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage) functions
are used throughout Knitro for fundamental vector and matrix
calculations. The CPU time spent in these operations can be measured
by setting option “debug=1” and examining the
output file kdbg summ*.txt. Some optimization problems are observed to spend less than 1CPU time in BLAS/LAPACK operations, while others spend more than 50the different function implementations can return slightly different
answers due to roundoff errors in double precision arithmetic. Thus,
changing the value of “blasoption” sometimes alters the iterates
generated by Knitro, or even the final solution point. |
The Knitro built-in functions are based on standard netlib routines (www.netlib.org). The
Intel MKL functions are written especially for x86 processor
architectures. On a machine running an Intel processor (e.g.,
Pentium 4), testing indicates that the MKL functions can reduce the
CPU time in BLAS/LAPACK operations by 20-30%. |
If your machine uses security enhanced Linux (SELinux), you may see errors when loading the
Intel MKL. |
Controls the level of debugging output. Debugging output can slow
execution of Knitro and should not be used in a production setting.
All debugging output is suppressed if option “PriLevOpt” equals zero. Default value: 0. |
0: No debugging output. |
1: Print algorithm information to kdbg*.log output files. |
2: Print program execution information. |
Specifies the initial trust region radius scaling factor used to determine
the initial trust region size. Default value: 1.0e0. |
Indicates whether or not to use the feasible version of TOMLAB /KNITRO. |
0: Iterates may be infeasible. |
1: Given an initial point which sufficiently
satisfies all inequality
constraints as defined by,
cl + tol ≤ c( x) ≤ cu − tol
(for cl cu),
the feasible version of TOMLAB /KNITRO ensures that all
subsequent solution estimates strictly satisfy the inequality constraints.
However, the iterates may not be feasible with respect to
the equality
constraints. The tolerance tol>0 in 2 for determining
when the feasible mode is active is determined by the double
precision parameter
FEASMODETOL described below.
This tolerance (i.e. FEASMODETOL) must be
strictly positive. That is, in order to enter feasible mode, the
point given to TOMLAB /KNITRO must be strictly feasible with respect
to the inequality constraints. |
If the initial point is infeasible (or not
sufficiently feasible according to 2) with respect to the
inequality constraints, then TOMLAB /KNITRO will run the infeasible
version until a point is obtained which sufficiently satisfies all
the inequality constraints. At this point it will switch
to feasible mode. |
NOTE: This option can be used only when ALG=2.
See Section 8.3 for more details. |
Specifies the tolerance in
2 by which the iterate must be feasible with
respect to the inequality constraints before the feasible mode
becomes active. This option is only relevant when
FEASIBLE=1. Default 1e−4. |
Specifies the final
relative stopping tolerance for the feasibility
error. Smaller values of FEASTOL result in a higher
degree of accuracy in the solution with respect to feasibility. Default 1e−6. |
Specifies the final
absolute stopping tolerance for the feasibility
error. Smaller values of FEASTOLABS result in a higher
degree of accuracy in the solution with respect to feasibility. Default 0. |
NOTE: For more information on the stopping test used in
TOMLAB /KNITRO see Section 5. |
Specifies how to calculate first
derivatives. In addition to the available numeric differentiation
methods available in TOMLAB, KNITRO can internally estimate forward
or centered numerical derivatives. |
The following settings are available: |
1: |
KNITRO expects the user to provide exact first derivatives (default). |
However, note that this can imply numerical derivatives calculated
by any of the available methods in TOMLAB. See the TOMLAB
User's Guide for more information on numerical derivatives. |
2: |
KNITRO will estimate forward finite differential derivatives. |
3: |
KNITRO will estimate centered finite differential derivatives. |
4: |
KNITRO expects exact first derivatives and performs gradient checking by internally calculating forward finite differences. |
5: |
KNITRO expects exact first derivatives and performs gradient checking by internally calculating centered finite differences. |
NOTE: It is highly recommended to provide exact
gradients if at all possible as this greatly impacts the performance
of the code. For more information on these options see
Section 8.1. |
Specifies how to calculate the Hessian (Hessian-vector) of the Lagrangian function. |
1: |
KNITRO expects the user to provide the exact Hessian (default). |
2: |
KNITRO will compute a (dense) quasi-Newton BFGS Hessian approximation. |
3: |
KNITRO will compute a (dense) quasi-Newton SR1 Hessian approximation. |
4: |
KNITRO will compute Hessian-vector products using finite differences. |
5: |
KNITRO expects the user to provide a routine to compute the Hessian-vector products. If this option is selected, the calculation is handled by the TOMLAB function nlp_d2Lv.m . |
6: |
KNITRO will compute a limited-memory quasi-Newton BFGS. |
NOTE: If exact Hessians (or exact Hessian-vector
products) cannot be provided by the user but exact gradients are provided
and are not too expensive to compute, option 4 above is
typically recommended.
The finite-difference Hessian-vector option is comparable in terms
of robustness to the exact Hessian option
(assuming exact gradients are provided) and typically not too much
slower in terms of time if gradient evaluations are not the
dominant cost. |
However, if exact gradients cannot be provided
(i.e. finite-differences are used for the first derivatives),
or gradient evaluations are expensive, it is recommended to use one
of the quasi-Newton options, in the event that the exact Hessian is not
Options 2 and 3 are only
recommended for small problems (n < 1000) since they require
working with a dense Hessian approximation. Option 6 should
be used in the large-scale case. |
are not available when ALG=1. See Section 8.2
for more detail on second derivative options. |
Indicates whether
or not to enforce satisfaction of the simple bounds 1
throughout the optimization (see Section 8.4). Default 2. |
0: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO does not enforce that the bounds on the
variables are satisfied at intermediate iterates. |
1: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO enforces that the initial point and all
subsequent solution estimates satisfy the bounds on the variables
1. |
2: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO enforces that the initial point
satisfies the bounds on the variables. |
Specifies the number of limited memory pairs stored when approximating
the Hessian using the limited-memory quasi-Newton BFGS option. The
value must be between 1 and 100 and is only used when HESSOPT=6.
Larger values may give a more accurate, but more expensive, Hessian
approximation. Smaller values may give a less accurate, but faster,
Hessian approximation. When using the limited memory BFGS approach
it is recommended to experiment with different values of this
parameter. See Section 8 for more details.
Default value: 10 |
Determines the maximum allowable number
of inner conjugate gradient (CG) iterations per Knitro minor iteration. Default 0. |
0: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO automatically determines an upper bound on
the number of allowable CG iterations based on the problem size. |
n: |
At most n CG iterations may be performed during one
Knitro minor iteration, where n>0. |
Specifies the maximum number of crossover iterations before
termination. When running one of the interior-point algorithms in
KNITRO, if this value is positive, it will switch to the Active
algorithm near the solution, and perform at most MAXCROSSIT
iterations of the Active algorithm to try to get a more exact
solution. If this value is 0 or negative, no Active crossover
iterations will be performed. |
If crossover is unable to improve the approximate interior-point solution, then it will restore
the interior-point solution. In some cases (especially on
large-scale problems or difficult degenerate problems) the cost of
the crossover procedure may be significant – for this reason, the
crossover procedure is disabled by default. However, in many cases
the additional cost of performing crossover is not significant and
you may wish to enable this feature to obtain a more accurate
solution. See Section 8 for more details on the
crossover procedure. Default 0. |
Specifies the maximum number of major iterations before termination. Default 10000. |
Specifies, in seconds, the maximum allowable CPU time
before termination. Default 1e8. |
NOTE: For more information on the stopping test used in
TOMLAB /KNITRO see Section 5. |
Specifies, in seconds, the maximum allowable real
time before termination. Default 1e8. |
NOTE: For more information on the stopping test used in
TOMLAB /KNITRO see Section 5. |
Indicates whether KNITRO will solve from multiple start
points to find a better local minimum. See Section 8 for details. Default 0. |
0: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO solves from a single initial point. |
1: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO solves using multiple start points. |
Specifies the maximum range that each variable can
take when determining new start points. If a variable has upper and lower bounds
and the difference between them is less than MSMAXBNDRANGE, then new start point
values for the variable can be any number between its upper and lower bounds.
If the variable is unbounded in one or both directions, or the difference between
bounds is greater than MSMAXBNDRANGE, then new start point values are restricted
by the option. If xi is such a variable, then all initial values satisfy: |
xi0 − mxmaxbndrange/2 <= xi <= xi0 + msmaxbndrange/2 |
where xi0 is is the initial value of xi provided by the user.
This option has no effect unless msenable=1. Default value:
1000.0. |
Specifies how many start points to try in multistart.
This option is only valid if MULTISTART=1. Default 1. |
0: |
TOMLAB /KNITRO solves from a single initial point. |
Specifies, in seconds, the maximum allowable CPU time before termination. The limit applies to the operation of Knitro since multi-start began; in contrast, the value of “maxtime cpu” limits how long Knitro iterates from a single start point. Therefore, MSMAXTIMECPU should be greater than MAXTIMECPU. This option
has no effect unless MSENABLE=1. Default value: 1.0e8. |
Specifies, in seconds, the maximum allowable real time before termination. The limit applies to the operation of Knitro since multi-start began; in contrast, the value of MAXTIMEREAL limits how long Knitro iterates from a single start point. Therefore, MSMAXTIMEREAL should be greater than MAXTIMEREAL.
This option has no effect unless MSENABLE=1. Default value: 1.0e8. |
Determines the allowable range of values
for the objective function for determining unboundedness. If the
magnitude of the objective function is greater than
OBJRANGE and the iterate is feasible, then the
problem is determined to be unbounded. Default 1.0e20. |
specifies the final relative
stopping tolerance for the KKT (optimality) error.
Smaller values of OPTTOL result in a higher
degree of accuracy in the solution with respect to optimality. Default 1.0e−6. |
Specifies the final absolute
stopping tolerance for the KKT (optimality) error.
Smaller values of OPTTOLABS result in a higher
degree of accuracy in the solution with respect to optimality. Default 0.0e0. |
NOTE: For more information on the stopping test used in
TOMLAB /KNITRO see Section 5. |
Specifies the initial
pivot threshold used in the factorization routine. The value
should be in the range [0 0.5] with higher values
resulting in more pivoting (more stable factorization). Values
less than 0 will be set to 0 and values larger than
0.5 will be set to 0.5. If
pivot is non-positive initially no pivoting will be
performed. Smaller values may improve the speed of the code
but higher values are recommended for more stability (for
example, if the problem appears to be very ill-conditioned). Default 1.0e−8. |
Performs a scaling of the objective and
constraint functions based on their values at the initial point.
If scaling is performed, all internal computations, including the
stopping tests, are based on the scaled values. Default 1. |
0: |
No scaling is performed. |
1: |
The objective function and constraints may be scaled. |
Indicates whether or not
to use the second order correction (SOC) option.
A second order correction may be beneficial for
problems with highly nonlinear constraints. Default 1. |
0: |
No second order correction steps are attempted. |
1: |
Second order correction steps may be attempted on some iterations. |
2: |
Second order correction steps are always attempted if the
original step is rejected and there are nonlinear constraints. |
The optimization will terminate when the
relative change in the solution estimate is less than
XTOL. If using an interior-point algorithm and the
barrier parameter is still large, TOMLAB /KNITRO will first try
decreasing the barrier parameter before terminating. Default 1.0e−15. |
Result |
with result from optimization.
The following fields are set: |
Result |
with result from optimization.
The following fields are set:, continued |
x_k |
Optimal point. |
f_k |
Function value at optimum. |
g_k |
Gradient value at optimu. |
c_k |
Nonlinear constraint values at optimum. |
H_k |
The Hessian of the Lagrangian function at optimum. |
v_k |
Lagrange multipliers. |
x_0 |
Starting point. |
f_0 |
Function value at start. |
xState |
State of each variable: 0/1/2/3: free / on lower bnd / on upper bnd / fixed. |
bState |
State of each linear constraint, values as xState . |
cState |
State of each nonlinear constraint, values as xState . |
Iter |
Number of iterations. |
FuncEv |
Number of function evaluations. |
GradEv |
Number of gradient evaluations. |
HessEv |
Number of Hessian evaluations. |
ConstrEv |
Number of constraint evaluations. |
ConJacEv |
Number of constraint Jacobian evaluations. |
ConHessEv |
Number of constraint Hessian evaluations. |
ExitFlag |
Exit status. The following values are used: |
0: |
Optimal solution found or current point cannot be improved. |
See Result.Inform for more information. |
1: |
Maximum number of iterations reached. |
2: |
(Possibly) unbounded problem. |
4: |
(Possibly) infeasible problem. |
Inform |
Status value returned from KNITRO solver. |
0: |
Locally optimal solution found. |
TOMLAB /KNITRO found a locally optimal point
which satisfies the stopping
criterion (see Section 5 for more detail on how this
is defined). If the problem is convex (for example, a linear
program), then this point corresponds to a globally optimal
solution. |
-1: |
Iteration limit reached. |
The iteration limit was reached before being
able to satisfy the required
stopping criteria. |
-2: |
Convergence to an infeasible point. Problem may be locally infeasible. |
The algorithm has converged to an infeasible
point from which it cannot further decrease the infeasibility
measure. This happens when the problem is infeasible, but may also
occur on occasion for feasible problems with nonlinear constraints
or badly scaled problems. It is recommended to try various initial
points. If this occurs for a variety of initial points, it is likely
problem is infeasible. |
-3: |
Problem appears to be unbounded. |
The objective function appears to be decreasing
without bound, while
satisfying the constraints. |
-4: |
Current point cannot be improved. |
No more progress can be made. If the current
point is feasible it
is likely it may be optimal, however the stopping tests cannot be satisfied
(perhaps because of degeneracy, ill-conditioning or bad scaling). |
-5: |
Current point cannot be improved. Point
appears to be optimal, but desired accuracy could not be achieved. |
No more progress can be made, but the stopping
tests are close to being
satisfied (within a factor of 100) and so the current approximate
solution is believed to be optimal. |
-6: |
Time limit reached. |
The time limit was reached before being able to
satisfy the required
stopping criteria. |
-50 to -60: |
Termination values in this range imply
some input error. |
If OUTLEV>0 or PriLevOpt>0 details of this error will be printed to
the screen or the file knitro.out depending on
the value of outmode. |
-90: |
Callback function error. |
This termination value indicates that an error
(i.e., negative return
value) occurred in a user provided callback routine. |
-97: |
LP solver error. |
This termination value indicates that an
unrecoverable error occurred
in the LP solver used in the active-set algorithm
preventing the optimization from continuing. |
-98: |
Evaluation error. |
This termination value indicates that an
evaluation error occurred
(e.g., divide by 0, taking the square root of a negative number),
preventing the optimization from continuing. |
-99: |
Not enough memory available to solve problem. |
This termination value indicates that there was
not enough memory available to solve the problem. |
Solver |
Solver used ('KNITRO'). |
SolverAlgorithm |
Solver algorithm used. |
Prob |
Problem structure used. |