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8 Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming
there are 14 mixed-integer nonlinear programming
test problems with sizes to nearly 50 variables and nearly 50
constraints. In order to define problem number
and solve it
execute the following in Matlab:
Prob = probInit('minlp_prob',n);
Result = tomRun('',Prob);
The basic structure of a general mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem is the following
f(x) |
s/t |
−∞ < |
xL |
≤ |
x |
≤ |
xU |
< ∞ |
bL |
≤ |
A x |
≤ |
bU |
cL |
≤ |
c(x) |
≤ |
cU, |
xj N j I, |
(10) |
xU Rn,
Rm1 × n,
bU Rm1
cU Rm2. The variables
x I,
the index subset of 1,...,
n, are restricted to be integers.
The following files are required to define a problem of this category in TOMLAB.
File: tomlab/quickguide/minlpQG_f.m, minlpQG_g.m, minlpQG_H.m, minlpQG_c.m,
minlpQG_dc.m, minlpQG_d2c.m
f: Function value
g: Gradient vector
H: Hessian matrix
c: Nonlinear constraint vector
dc: Nonlinear constraint gradient matrix
d2c: The second part of the Hessian to the Lagrangian
function for the nonlinear constraints.
An example of a problem of this class,
(that is also found in the TOMLAB Quickguide) is minlpQG
File: tomlab/quickguide/minlpQG.m
% minlpQG is a small example problem for defining and solving
% mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems using the TOMLAB format.
Name='minlp1Demo - Kocis/Grossman.';
IntVars = [ 0 0 1 1 1 ]; % Integer variables: x(3)-x(5)
VarWeight = [ ]; % No priorities given
% There are divisions and square roots involving x(2), so we must
% have a small but positive value for the lower bound on x(2).
BIG = 1E8;
x_L = [ 0 1/BIG 0 0 0 ]'; % Lower bounds on x
x_U = [ BIG BIG 1 1 1 ]'; % Upper bounds on x
% Three linear constraints
A = [1 0 1 0 0 ; ...
0 1.333 0 1 0 ; ...
0 0 -1 -1 1 ];
b_L = []; % No lower bounds
b_U = [1.6 ; 3 ; 0]; % Upper bounds
c_L = [1.25;3]; % Two nonlinear constraints
c_U = c_L; % c_L==c_U implies equality
x_0 = ones(5,1); % Initial value
x_opt = [1.12,1.31,0,1,1]'; % One optimum known
f_opt = 7.6672; % Value f(x_opt)
x_min = [-1 -1 0 0 0]; % Used for plotting, lower bounds
x_max = [ 1 1 1 1 1]; % Used for plotting, upper bounds
HessPattern = spalloc(5,5,0); % All elements in Hessian are zero.
ConsPattern = [ 1 0 1 0 0; ... % Sparsity pattern of nonlinear
0 1 0 1 0 ]; % constraint gradient
fIP = []; % An upper bound on the IP value wanted. Makes it possible
xIP = []; % to cut branches. xIP: the x value giving fIP
% Generate the problem structure using the TOMLAB Quick format
Prob = minlpAssign('minlpQG_f', 'minlpQG_g', 'minlpQG_H', HessPattern, ...
x_L, x_U, Name, x_0, ...
IntVars, VarWeight, fIP, xIP, ...
A, b_L, b_U, 'minlpQG_c', 'minlpQG_dc', 'minlpQG_d2c', ...
ConsPattern, c_L, c_U, ...
x_min, x_max, f_opt, x_opt);
Prob.DUNDEE.optPar(20) = 1;
Prob.P = 1; % Needed in minlpQG_xxx files
% Get default TOMLAB solver for your current license, for "minlp" problems
% Solver = GetSolver('minlp');
% Call driver routine tomRun, 3rd argument > 0 implies call to PrintResult
Result = tomRun('minlpBB',Prob,2);
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