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4  Defining Problems in TOMLAB

TOMLAB  is based on the principle of creating a problem structure that defines the problem and includes all relevant information needed for the solution of the user problem. One unified format is defined, the TOMLAB format (TQ format). The TQ format gives the user a fast way to setup a problem structure and solve the problem from the Matlab command line using any suitable TOMLAB solver.

The definition of an advanced general graphical user interface (GUI) and a similar menu system demanded a more complicated format. The solution is the IF format, where groups of problems are collected into sets, each set having an initialization file. Besides defining the problem, a list of all problems in the set is also generated by the initialization file.

In this section follows a more detailed description of the TOMLAB  format and the Init Files.

4.1  The TOMLAB (TQ) Format

The TQ format is a quick way to setup a problem and easily solve it using any of the TOMLAB solvers. The principle is to put all information in a Matlab structure, which then is passed to the solver, which extracts the relevant information. The structure is passed to the user function routines for nonlinear problems, making it a convenient way to pass other types of information

The solution process for the TQ format has four steps:
  1. Define the problem structure, often called Prob.
  2. Call the solver or the universal driver routine tomRun .
  3. Postprocessing, e.g. print the result of the optimization.
Step 1 could be done in several ways in TOMLAB. Recommended is to call one of the following routines dependent on the type of optimization problem, see Table 10.

Table 10: Routines to create a problem structure in the TQ format.

Matlab call probTypes Type of optimization problem
Prob = bmiAssign( ... ) 14 Semi-definite programming with bilinear matrix inequalities.
Prob = clsAssign( ... ) 4,5,6 Unconstrained and constrained nonlinear least squares.
Prob = conAssign( ... ) 1,3 Unconstrained and constrained nonlinear optimization.
Prob = expAssign( ... ) 17 Exponential fitting problems.
Prob = glcAssign( ... ) 9,10,15 Box-bounded or mixed-integer constrained global programming.
Prob = lcpAssign( ... ) 22 Linear mixed-complimentary problems.
Prob = llsAssign( ... ) 5 Linear least-square problems.
Prob = lpAssign( ... ) 8 Linear programming.
Prob = lpconAssign( ... ) 3 Linear programming with nonlinear constraints.
Prob = mcpAssign( ... ) 23 Nonlinear mixed-complimentary problems.
Prob = minlpAssign( ... ) 12 Mixed-Integer nonlinear programming.
Prob = mipAssign( ... ) 7 Mixed-Integer programming.
Prob = miqpAssign( ... ) 11 Mixed-Integer quadratic programming.
Prob = miqqAssign( ... ) 18 Mixed-Integer quadratic programming with quadratic constraints.
Prob = qcpAssign( ... ) 23 Quadratic mixed-complimentary problems.
Prob = qpblockAssign( ... ) 2 Quadratic programming (factorized).
Prob = qpAssign( ... ) 2 Quadratic programming.
Prob = qpconAssign( ... ) 3 Quadratic programming with nonlinear constraints.
Prob = sdpAssign( ... ) 13 Semi-definite programming with linear matrix inequalities.
Prob = amplAssign( ... ) 1-3,7,8,11,12 For AMPL problems defined as nl-files.
Prob = probAssign( ... ) 1,3-6,9-10 General routine, but does not include all possible options.
Prob = simAssign( ... ) 1,3-6,9-10 General routine, functions and constraints calculated at the same time .

Step 2, the solver call, is either a direct call, e.g. conSolve:
   Result = conSolve(Prob);
or a call to the multi-solver driver routine tomRun , e.g. for constrained optimization:
   Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob);
Note that tomRun  handles several input formats, also the TOMLAB Init File format described in Section 4.2. It may also print the names of the available solvers.

Step 3 could be a call to PrintResult.m:
The 3rd step could be included in Step 2 by increasing the print level to 1, 2 or 3 in the call to the driver routine
   Result = tomRun('conSolve',Prob, 3);
See the different demo files that gives examples of how to apply the TQ format: conDemo.m , ucDemo.m , qpDemo.m , lsDemo.m , lpDemo.m , mipDemo.m , glbDemo.m  and glcDemo.m .

4.2  The TOMLAB Init Files (IF)

In the IF one initialization file is defined for each set of user problems. The set could consist of only one problem.

The initialization file should perform two tasks:
  • If the input problem number is empty, return a string matrix with the i:th row defining the name of the i:th problem defined in the file.
  • If the input problem number is nonempty, return the TOMLAB problem structure defining the corresponding problem number.
To write such a basic routine is very simple. The user could write such a routine and it will function well.

However, some thoughts make it clear that additional functionality is nice to have in such a routine. Adding an integer ask, to tell if the initialization routine should ask questions, makes the routine either silent, or optionally asking for problem dependent parameters. TOMLAB has a query routine predefined, that is suitable to use: askparam.m . Examples of the use of askparam  is implemented in several of the predefined Init Files in the testprob  directory: uc_prob.m , qp_prob.m , mgh_prob.m , ls_prob.m , cls_prob.m  and glb_prob.m . Most often a problem dimension is asked for, or a certain data series. Sometimes a parameter value.

Adding the problem structure as input makes it possible to override the default parameters, setting some fields beforehand.

The syntax of the initialization file (Init File) is the following (assuming the name of the function is new_prob.m ):
    [probList, Prob] = new_prob(P, ask, Prob)
P The problem number, either empty, or an integer.
ask An integer defining if questions should be asked in the Init File. If ask >= 1 ask questions in the Init File. If ask = 0 use default values. If ask < 0 use values defined in Prob.uP if defined or otherwise use defaults. The last options makes it possible to change values before the call. If isempty(ask), then if length(Prob.uP) > 0, ask=−1, else ask=0.
Prob As input, the problem structure is either empty, or some or all of the fields are defined, and overrides the default values in the Init File.
probList A string matrix, always returned.
Prob As output, a full definition of the problem structure is returned if a valid problem number P is given as input.

If a group of problems have been defined in the TOMLAB Init File it is easy to retrieve a problem structure similar to the TOMLAB format for any of these problems. The general call is
    Prob = probInit(probFile, probNumber, ask, Prob)
probFile Name of the Init File, without file extension.
probNumber The problem number, an integer.
ask An integer, defined exactly as in the call to new_prob.m above.
Prob As input, the problem structure is either empty, or some or all of the fields are defined, and overrides the default values in the Init File.

When a problem is available as one of the problems defined in the TOMLAB Init File, i.e. as one problem in an Init File, there are four ways to proceed to solve the problem
  • Solve the problem using the TOMLAB  GUI, tomGUI .
        global ResultGUI
        tomGUI;  % After the run results are available in ResultGUI
        ...      % Postprocess ResultGUI
    Only the last problem solved is available in ResultGUI. All solver parameters and other parameters influencing the optimization are possible to change before the call to a suitable solver. Note the code generation facility in tomGUI , which creates a m-file and mat-file that solves identically the same problem from the command line. This m-file may, for example, be further extended to solve sequences of problem. This concept is further explained in § 10.2.

  • Solve the problem using the TOMLAB  menu program, tomMenu . Some, but not all, solver parameters and other parameters influencing the optimization are possible to change before the call to a suitable solver.
        Result = tomRemote;  % After the run results are available in Result
        ...      % Postprocess Result.
    If more than one problem is solved Result(1)  gives the results for the first problem, Result(2)  gives the results for the second problem, and so on.
  • Pick up the problem structure using probInit  and make any changes to the problem structure, e.g.
        probFile   = 'con_prob';
        probNumber = 10;
        ask        = [];
        Prob       = [];
        Prob = probInit(probFile, probNumber, ask, Prob)
        ... % Make changes in the Prob structure
    The fields in the structure are described in the tables in Appendix A. Then either directly call a solver
       Result = conSolve(Prob);
    or call the multi-solver driver routine tomRun 
       Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob);
    If increasing the print level to 1, 2 or 3 in the call to the driver routine the call is
       Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob, 3);
  • Define a Prob  structure with only the fields you want to change, e.g
       Prob.optParam.MaxIter = 1000;  % Increase maximal numbers of iterations
       Prob.x_0 = [0 1 3]';           % Change initial value of x
       % Tell tomRun to use conSolve to solve problem 10 from con_prob.
       % Print Level 3 in the call to PrintResult
       Result = tomRun('conSolve', 'con_prob', 10, Prob, 3);
    It is very easy to try another solver in TOMLAB , e.g. to see what nlpSolve  does on this problem just add one line
       Result = tomRun('nlpSolve', 'con_prob', 10, Prob, 3);
Note that when solving a sequence of similar problems, the best way is to pick up the problem structure once using probInit , and then make a loop, do the changes in the structure, and solve the problem for each change. An example solving problem 10 in con_prob.m  one hundred times for different starting values in the interval [100,100]
    probFile   = 'con_prob';
    probNumber = 10;
    ask        = [];
    Prob       = [];
    Prob = probInit(probFile, probNumber, ask, Prob)
    for i=1:100
        Prob.x_0 = -100 + 200*rand(3,1);
        Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob, 1);
For each type of the optimization problem there is at least one Init File. All the predefined Init Files with test problems are available in the testprob  directory. See also the different demonstration files in the examples  directory that also includes a few examples of how to apply the IF format. In Appendix D detailed descriptions are given on how to copy an Init File into a new Init File, and also adding new problems.

4.3  Creating an Init File from TQ

If dropping the wish to ask user questions, then a simpler type of initialization file may be created. Using the routines newInitFile , addProb  and makeInitFile , it is easy to collect a group of problem structures Prob into a set and put them into the TOMLAB Init File. The Prob structures are saved in a Matlab mat-file having the same name as the Init File. Having defined a proper file in the TOMLAB Init File, it is added to the GUI calling the routine AddProblemFile .

See the file makeInitFileDemo  for an example on how to create a new Init File and get it into the GUI. It is recommended that the problems added into the Init File are of the same problem type ( probType  ).

If only up to five problem structures are collected to the Init File, then only one call is needed
   % Assume four structures P1,P3,P3 and P4 are created in TQ format

If doing this type of call several times during a session global arrays used by makeInitFile  must be cleared, and a call to newInitFile  is needed

   % Assume four structures P1,P3,P3 and P4 are created in TQ format

It might be easier to collect the problems in a loop. Then addProb  is usable. Assuming that conAssign  is used to create the basic problem, the following example shows the principles of making the new Init File:
   % Make the assignments and calls for the first problem
   Prob = conAssign ( .....)
   for i=2:10  % Define problem 2, 3, up to 10

       % Make the assignments necessary for this particular problem i
       Prob.P = i;

       % Then add the structure when it is complete
   makeInitFile('new_prob');  % Create the Init File and save problems
Note that for LP, QP and MIP problems there is another alternative to create a file in the Init File format. The routines lpAssign , qpAssign  and mipAssign  have an option to create Init Files with an arbitrarily number of problems. See the help for the input arguments setupFile  and nProblem  in these routines. With this strategy the problems are saved more efficiently with regards to space. One binary mat-file is created for each problem in the Init File. If the number of problems are large, this alternative may be preferable. The Init File creation is more complicated, and described in detail with examples in Section 5.

4.4  Adding an Init File to the GUI Data Base

In order to get a file created in the TOMLAB Init File accessible to the GUI and menu system, it must be added to the GUI init file data base. The database is stored in the file TomlabProblem.mat .

The command AddProblemFile  adds a new Init File to the data base. The name of the file, a menu text shortly describing the content of the Init File, the problem type, and one additional number mexType  must be given. mexType  is always zero for Matlab files. The following example adds the user file new_prob :
   % Assume the name of the problem to add is 'new_prob', of type 'con'

   AddProblemFile('new_prob','New user created problems','con',0);
Note that in order to run the GUI and the menu system with the newly added problems, they must reside in the current directory, or somewhere in the Matlab  PATH. The added Init File is always put first, as the default file, among the files having the same problem type.

If the GUI can not find the files it will crash. Then you must either put the problems in the Matlab  PATH, or delete the problems from the GUI data base. A problem is deleted by a call to DeleteProblemFile. You must also know the problem type of the file.
   % Assume the name of the problem to delete is 'new_prob', of type 'con'

If there are many problems to be deleted from the GUI data base, or if other problems occur, there is a command to restore everything back to the original distribution of TOMLAB :

The user must press ENTER when a question Overwrite??? (ctrl-c to break) appears.

Another way to get an Init File into the GUI, and deleted from the GUI, is to use the GUI itself. By filling in the file name in the field New Init File for GUI, and a menu text in New Init File Text, and after that pressing the button Add Init File to GUI, the problem will be added to the GUI problem data base. Another RED button Delete selected Init File, will delete the currently selected Init File, if is not part of the original TOMLAB distribution.

4.5  Modifying existing problems

It is possible to modify an existing Prob  structure by editing elements directly, however this is not recommended since there are dependencies for memory allocation and problem sizes that the user may not be aware of.

There are a set of routines developed specifically for modifying linear constraints (do not modify directly, Prob.mLin  need to be set to a proper value if so). All the static information can be set with the following routines.

4.5.1  add_A

Adds linear constraints to an existing problem.
Calling Syntax
Prob = add_A(Prob, A, b_L, b_U)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
A  The additional linear constraints.
b_L  The lower bounds for the new linear constraints.
b_U  The upper bounds for the new linear constraints.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.2  keep_A

Keeps the linear constraints specified by idx.
Calling Syntax
Prob = keep_A(Prob, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
idx  The row indices to keep in the linear constraints.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.3  remove_A

Removes the linear constraints specified by idx.
Calling Syntax
Prob = remove_A(Prob, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
idx  The row indices to remove in the linear constraints.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.4  replace_A

Replaces the linear constraints.
Calling Syntax
Prob = replace_A(Prob, A, b_L, b_U)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
A  New linear constraints.
b_L  Lower bounds for linear constraints.
b_U  Upper bounds for linear constraints.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.5  modify_b_L

Modify lower bounds for linear constraints. If idx is not given b_L will be replaced.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_b_L(Prob, b_L, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
b_L  New lower bounds for the linear constraints.
idx  Indices for the modified constraint bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.6  modify_b_U

Modify upper bounds for linear constraints. If idx is not given b_U will be replaced.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_b_U(Prob, b_U, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
b_U  New upper bounds for the linear constraints.
idx  Indices for the modified constraint bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.7  modify_c

Modify linear objective (LP/QP only).
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_c(Prob, c, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
c  New linear coefficients.
idx  Indices for the modified linear coefficients (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.8  modify_c_L

Modify lower bounds for nonlinear constraints. If idx is not given c_L will be replaced.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_c_L(Prob, c_L, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
c_L  New lower bounds for the nonlinear constraints.
idx  Indices for the modified constraint bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.9  modify_c_U

Modify upper bounds for nonlinear constraints. If idx is not given c_U will be replaced.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_c_U(Prob, c_U, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
c_U  New upper bounds for the nonlinear constraints.
idx  Indices for the modified constraint bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.10  modify_x_0

Modify starting point. If x_0 is outside the bounds an error will be returned. If idx is not given x_0 will be replaced.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_x_0(Prob, x_0, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
x_0  New starting points.
idx  Indices for the modified starting points (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.11  modify_x_L

Modify lower bounds for decision variables. If idx is not given x_L will be replaced. x_0 will be shifted if needed.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_x_L(Prob, x_L, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
x_L  New lower bounds for the decision variables.
idx  Indices for the modified lower bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

4.5.12  modify_x_U

Modify upper bounds for decision variables. If idx is not given x_U will be replaced. x_0 will be shifted if needed.
Calling Syntax
Prob = modify_x_U(Prob, x_U, idx)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Existing TOMLAB problem.
x_U  New upper bounds for the decision variables.
idx  Indices for the modified upper bounds (optional).

Description of Outputs
Prob  Modified TOMLAB problem.

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