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10  tomGUI - The Graphical User Interface

The Graphical User Interface is started by calling the Matlab  m-file tomlabGUI.m , i.e. by entering the command tomlabGUI  at the Matlab  prompt. There is a short command tomGUI.m . The GUI has five modes; Normal (Result mode), Figure, General parameter mode, Solver parameter mode and Plot parameter mode. At start the GUI is in Normal mode, shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: The GUI after startup.

There are one axes area, five menus; Type of Optimization, Init File, Problem, Solver and Plot, and twelve push buttons; ReOptimize, x0 with Mouse, Result window, Figure window, Solver parameters, Plot parameters, General parameters, Show default values, Make Plot, Help, Optimize and Close.

There are two edit controls where it is possible to enter the first two initial values (Starting Values) of the unknown parameters vector. If the problem has more then two dimensions, the rest of the initial values are given in the General Parameter mode.

In the axes area plots and information given as text are displayed.

The Type of Optimization menu is used to select subject, i.e. which type of problem to be solved. There are currently ten main problem types; unconstrained optimization, quadratic programming, constrained optimization, nonlinear least squares, exponential sum fitting, constrained nonlinear least squares, mixed-integer linear programming, linear programming, global unconstrained optimization and global constrained optimization.

With the selection in the Init File, the user makes the choice of which file to get the problem to solve from. In the Problem menu, the user selects the actual problem to be solved, among the ones present in the current selected Init File. Presently, there are about 15 to 50 predefined test problems for each problem type. The user can easily define his own problems and try to solve them using any solver, see sections 5, 6 and 8.

The Solver menu is used to select solver. It can either be a TOMLAB internal solver, a solver in the Matlab  Optimization Toolbox or a general-purpose solver implemented in Fortran or C and ran using a MEX-file interface.

Changing Type of Optimization will automatically change the menu entries in the Init File menu, the Problem menu, and the Solver menu.

From the Plot menu, the type of plot to be drawn is selected. The different types are contour plot, mesh plot, plot of function values and plot of convergence rate. The contour plot and the mesh plot can be displayed either in the axes area or in a new figure. The plot of function values and convergence rate are always displayed in a new figure. For least squares problems and exponential fitting problems it is possible to plot the residuals, the starting model and the obtained model.

When clicking the Show default values button, the default values for every parameter are displayed in the edit controls. The button then shows the text Hide default values. If pushing the button again, the parameters will disappear. Before solving a problem, the user can change any of the values. If leaving an edit control empty, the default values are used. If giving a value less than -1, it will normally not be used at all. The default values are used instead. The value −999 indicates missing value, and the default value is always used by the solver. The value −900 indicates both a missing value, and that this quantity is never used by the currently defined solver. Thus it is pointless to set a value for this quantity.

The buttons General Parameters, Solver Parameters and Plot Parameters are described in Section 10.1.

Pushing the Make Plot button gives a plot of the current problem. Pushing the Figure window button switches back to the last plot made. In the contour plot, known local minima, known local maxima and known saddle points are shown. It is possible to make a contour plot and a mesh plot without first solving the problem. After the problem is solved, a contour plot shows the search direction and trial step lengths for each iteration. A contour plot of the classical Rosenbrock banana function, together with the iteration search steps and with marks for the line search trials displayed, is shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6: A contour plot with the search directions and marks for the line search trials for each iteration when solving an unconstrained optimization problem.

A contour plot for a constrained problem and a plot of the data is given in Figure 7. In the contour plot, (inequality) constraints are depicted as dots. Starting from the infeasible point (x1,x2)=(−5.0,2.5), the solution algorithm first finds a point inside the feasible region. The algorithm then iteratively finds new points. For several of the search directions, the full step is too long and violates one of the constraints. Marks show the line search trials. Finally, the algorithm converges to the optimal solution (x1*,x2*)=(−9.5474,1.0474).


Figure 7: A contour plot for a constrained problem

In Figure 8 is shown a plot of the data and the obtained model for a nonlinear least squares problem, in this case an exponential fitting problem.


Figure 8: A plot of the data and the model for a exponential sum fitting problem. The figure shows the second part of the data series and the estimated optimal model

For global optimization one option is a contour plot together with the sampled points. This plot is illustrative for how the search procedure is sampling. The points samples cluster around the different local minima. One example is shown in Figure 9, where the blue dots are the sampled points.


Figure 9: Contour plot with sampled points for the two-dimensional Shekels foxhole problem. The problem has several local optima and is best solved by global optimization methods.

The Help button gives some information about the current problem, e.g. the number of variables. Note that there are four drag menus on top TOMLAB Help, Solver Parameters, General Parameters, and Plot Parameters. Selecting any items in these menus displays a help text in plot window.

When the user has chosen a solver and a problem, he then pushes the Optimize button to solve it. When the algorithm has converged, information about the solution procedure are displayed. This information will include the solution found, the function value at the solution, the number of iterations used, the number of function evaluations, the number of gradient evaluations, the number of floating point operations used and the computation time. If no algorithm is selected as in Figure 5, the Run button has the same function as the Plot button.

If a contour plot is displayed in the axes area and the user pushes the button named x_0 with mouse, it is possible to select starting point for the current algorithm using the mouse. Pushing the ReOptimize button, the current problem is re-optimized with the starting point defined as the solution found in the previous solution attempt.

To close the GUI, push the Close button.

10.1  The Input Modes

This section describes the three input modes General Parameter mode, Solver Parameter mode and Plot Parameter mode. When pushing one of these buttons, the GUI will change to the corresponding mode. The axes area is replaced by more edit controls and menus.

10.2  General Parameter Mode

The General Parameter Mode makes it possible to set parameters common for the current Type of Optimization given, See Figure 10.


Figure 10: The GUI in General Parameter Mode.

To the left is the maximum number of iterations (Max iterations), and limits on major and minor iterations. The last two are used for some solvers. Above each other is the tolerances, e.g. the termination tolerance on the function value (EpsF), the rank test tolerance (EpsR), the termination tolerance on the change in the decision variables (EpsX), and the termination tolerance on the gradient (EpsG). If a solver for constrained optimization handling linear constraints is selected, an edit control for the allowed tolerance on constraint violation (EpsB) is shown. Another similar edit control (EpsC) is shown for solvers handling nonlinear constraints. This edit control sets the allowed termination tolerance on the nonlinear constraint violation.

For problems with more than two decision variables, starting values for decision variable x3 to xn are given in the edit control named 'Starting Values x3 - xn'. Starting values for x1 and x2 are given in the edit controls named 'Starting Values'.

The first menu selects method to compute first and second derivatives. Except for using an analytical expression, these can be computed either by automatic differentiation using the MAD toolbox, or by five different approaches for numerical differentiation. Three of them requires the Spline Toolbox to be installed.

The Print Level Driver Routine menu selects the level of output from the optimization driver after the solver has been called. All this output is printed in the Matlab  Command Window. Normally it is enough with the default information given in the GUI result window.

If the Pause Each Iteration check box is selected, the TOMLAB  internal solvers are using the pause statement to halt after each iteration.

If the check box Hold Previous Run is selected, all information about the runs are stored. Making a contour plot, the step and trial step lengths for all solution attempts are drawn. This option is useful, e.g. when comparing the performance of different algorithms or checking how the choice of starting point affects the solution procedure.

For some predefined test problems, it is possible to set parameter values when initializing the problem. These parameters can for example be the size of the problem, the number of residuals or the number of constraints. Questions asking for input of the parameters will appear when selecting the check box named Ask Questions when defining problem, otherwise, if the check box is not selected, default values will be used.

When selecting exponential fitting problems, two new menus and a new edit control will appear. The number of exponential terms (Terms) in the approximating model is selected, default two. There is a choice whether to solve the weighted least squares fitting problem using an ordinary or separable nonlinear least squares algorithm (Least Squares Method). There are four types of residual weighting selectable (Residual Weights). The option y-weighting, i.e. weighting with the measured data, is often proposed, but default is No weighting.

Code Generation

Entering a name in the edit control Code Generation File and clicking the Save Code button, two files will be generated; one Matlab  mat-file and one Matlab  m-file. The file name given should not include any extension. For example, entering the name test in the edit control, the files test.mat and test.m will be generated. The files are saved in the current directory. In the mat-file parameters are stored in the Prob  structure format, but the name of the structure is Problem . In the m-file all commands needed to make a stand-alone run without using the GUI are defined. The parameter values are those currently used by the GUI. To run the problem, just issue test in the command window. Note that the print level is set very low by default, and often nothing is displayed. It is easy to edit the m-file for different needs.

If entering a name in the Code Generation File edit control and clicking the Load Settings button, the GUI will read the corresponding mat-file. The mat-file should contain a TOMLAB  Prob  structure with the name Problem . This is the type of mat-file generated by the Save Code button. The GUI will switch to the Type of Optimization, Init File, Problem File and Solver defined in the mat-file. The default values for all parameters will be loaded from the mat-file. This option is useful for retrieving complicated settings for a particular problem and solver.

10.3  Solver Parameter Mode

For the Solver Parameter Mode the parameters areas shown, and possible to set, are dependent on the particular solver selected in the Solver menu. Some parameters are common for many of the internal TOMLAB  solvers FLow, the best guess on a lower bound for the optimal function value, is used by TOMLAB  solver algorithms using the Fletcher line search algorithm [23]. In Figure 11 the Solver Parameter Mode for the MINOS solver is shown. MINOS and SNOPT are the solvers with most parameters to be set. Default values are always defined, and in the picture is shown the default values for MINOS.


Figure 11: The Solver Parameters for the MINOS solver.

Algorithms using a line search approach needs the line search accuracy σ (Sigma) between zero and one. Values close to one (0.9) gives an inaccurate line search, often recommended. Values close to zero (0.1) gives a more accurate line search, recommended for conjugate gradient methods and sometimes for quasi-Newton methods. Another menu determines if a quadratic or a cubic interpolation shall be used in the line search algorithm.

The Print Level Optimization Routine menu is used to select the level of output from the optimization solver. All output printed during the optimization are displayed in the Matlab  Command Window.

The menu named Algorithm differs between different solvers. Some solvers have only one algorithm alternative, others have several. The menu named Method also differs between different solvers, and is sometimes hidden. Using an unconstrained solver, a least squares solver or an exponential fitting solver, the menu selects method to compute the search direction. In the constrained case, the Method menu gives the quadratic programming solver to be used in SQP algorithms.

10.4  Plot Parameter Mode

The Plot Parameter Mode makes it possible to set parameters common for plotting, see Figure 12.


Figure 12: The plot parameters in the Plot Parameter Mode.

The edit controls named 'Axes' set the axes in the contour plot and the mesh plot.

To make a contour plot or a mesh plot for problems with more than two decision variables, the user selects the two-dimensional subspace to plot. The indices of the decision variables defining the subspace are given in the edit controls called 'Variables At Axis When n>2'. The view for a mesh plot is changed using the edit controls 'Mesh View'.

10.5  tomRemote and tomMenu - The Menu Programs

The general menu program tomMenu  has much of the functionality of the GUI (Section 10), and is sometimes faster to use.

tomRemote  is possible to run when not running a window system, e.g. when using telnet to a machine, in which case the GUI or tomMenu  are not possible to use. Some specific solver parameter settings are not available in tomMenu and tomRemote , as well as the code generation possibility. tomMenu  is described briefly in Section 5.1.4.

Starting the remote menu system, the first menu, seen in Figure 13, is the selection of the type of optimization problem (probType).


Figure 13: The choice of the Type of Optimization in tomRemote .

The tomRemote  sub-menu for unconstrained optimization is shown in Figure 14. The other sub-menus look similar, with additional items corresponding to options needed for the relevant problem and solver type. In the following of this section, the most important standard menu choices are commented.


Figure 14: The main menu for unconstrained optimization in tomRemote .

The Choice of Problem Init File and Problem button selects the problem Init File and the problem to be solved. Correspondingly, the Solver, Solver algorithm and Solver sub-method buttons selects the solver, particular solver algorithm, and other method choice to be used.

From the Optimization Parameter Menu, parameters needed for the solution can be changed. The user selects new values or simply uses the default values. The parameters are those stored in the optParam  structure, see Table A. The Output print levels button selects the level of output to be displayed in the Matlab  Command Window during the solution procedure. The Optimization Parameter Menu also allows the user to choose the differentiation strategy he wants to use.

The Optimization Parameter Menu is dependent on the type of optimization problem. A short parameter menu for quadratic programming is shown in Figure 15.


Figure 15: Setting optimization parameters for quadratic programming.

Pushing the Optimize button, the relevant routines are called to solve the problem.

When the problem is solved, it is possible to make different types of plots to illustrate the solution procedure. Pushing the Plot Menu button, a menu choosing type of plot will appear. A overview of the available plotting options are given in connection with the Graphical User Interface described in Section 10.

The menu routine is started by just typing tomMenu  at the Matlab  prompt. In Section 5.1 we illustrate how to use the menu system for linear programming problems (lpMenu ). The menus for nonlinear problems work in a similar way.

Calling tomRemote ) by typing Result = tomRemote  will return a structure array containing the Result  structures of all the runs made. As an example, to display the results from the third run, enter the command Result(3) . To display the solution found in the third run, enter the command Result(3).x_k . The information stored in the structure are given in Table B.

The menu program calls the driver routine tomRun .

There are some options in the menu programs to display graphical information for the selected problem. For two-dimensional nonlinear unconstrained problems, the menu programs support graphical display of the relevant optimization problem as mesh or contour plots. In the contour plot, the iteration steps are displayed. For higher-dimensional problems, iterations steps are displayed in two-dimensional subspaces. Special plots for nonlinear least squares problems, such as plotting model against data, are available. The plotting utility also includes plot of convergence rate, plot of circles approximating points in the plane for the Circle Fitting Problem etc. The plot facilities are exactly the same as for the GUI. See Section 10 for figures similar to the ones produced running the menu system.

10.6  tomHelp - The Help Program

tomHelp  is a graphical interface for quick help on all problem types defined in TOMLAB  The interface is started by entering tomHelp  in the MATLAB command prompt. The menu system will be displayed as in Figure 16.


Figure 16: tomHelp start menu.

If a specific problem category is selected then a new menu is displayed. Text help in the MATLAB command window is displayed by choosing help from the interface. It is recommended that the individual demo files are viewed to get an understanding about the specific problem. The files can be used as a starting point for defining problem in the TOMLAB format.

The llsDemo menu is illustrated below in Figure 17


Figure 17: llsDemo menu.

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