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6 Solving Unconstrained and Constrained
Optimization Problems
This section describes how to define and solve unconstrained and
constrained optimization problems. Several examples are given on how
to proceed, depending on if a quick solution is wanted, or more
advanced runs are needed. TOMLAB is also compatible with MathWorks Optimization TB. See
E for more information and test examples.
All demonstration examples that are using the Tomlab (TQ) format are
collected in the directory
examples . Running the menu program
tomMenu , it is possible to run all demonstration examples. It
is also possible to run each example separately. The examples
relevant to this section are
ucDemo and
conDemo . All
files that show how to use the Init File format are collected in the
usersguide . The full path to these files are always
given in the text. Throughout this section the test problem
Rosenbrock's banana,
s/t |
−10 |
≤ |
x1 |
≤ |
2 |
−10 |
≤ |
x2 |
≤ |
2 |
(17) |
is used to illustrate the solution of
unconstrained problems.
The standard value is α=100.
In this formulation
simple bounds are added on the
variables, and also constraints
in illustrative purpose. This problem is called
RB BANANA in the
following descriptions to avoid mixing it up with problems already defined
in the problem definition files.
6.1 Defining the Problem in Matlab m-files
TOMLAB demands that the general nonlinear problem
is defined in Matlab m-files, and not given as an input text string.
A file defining the function to be optimized must always be supplied.
For linear constraints the constraint coefficient matrix and
the right hand side vector are given directly.
Nonlinear constraints are defined in a separate file.
First order derivatives and second order derivatives, if available,
are stored in separate files, both function derivatives and
constraint derivatives.
TOMLAB is compatible with MathWorks Optimization TB, which in various ways demands both
functions, derivatives and constraints to be returned by the same
function. TOMLAB handle all this by use of interface routines, hidden
for the user. The user must then always use the MathWorks Optimization TB type of calls,
not the TOMLAB function calls, and access to the GUI, menu and driver
routines are not possible.
It is generally recommended to use the TOMLAB format instead, because
having defined the files in this format, all MathWorks Optimization TB solvers are
accessible through the TOMLAB multi-solver driver routines.
The rest of this section shows how to make the m-files for the cases
of unconstrained and constrained optimization. These files does not
depend on if the TQ or IF format are used to solve the problem, in
both cases they are identical. The m-files for a constrained IF
format example is shown. The files are defined in the directory
usersguide and described in more detail in Appendix
D. In Section
6.2 and onwards similar m-files
are used to solve unconstrained optimization using the TQ format.
The most simple way to write the m-file to compute the function value
is shown for the example in (
17) assuming α=100:
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbbs_f.m
% crbb_f - function value for Constrained Rosenbrocks Banana
% function f = crbb_f(x)
function f = crbb_f(x)
f = 100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;
Running TOMLAB it is recommended to use a more general format for the
m-files, adding one extra parameter, the
Prob problem
definition structure described in detail in Appendix
TOMLAB will handle the simpler format also,
but the more advanced features of TOMLAB are not possible to use.
If using this extra parameter, then any information needed in the
low-level function computation routine may be sent as fields in this
structure. For single parameter values, like the above α
parameter in the example, the field
Prob.user is recommended.
See the Section
14.2 on how the to set
Supplied Problem Parameters in the Init File format in TOMLAB .
Using the above convention, then the new m-file
for the example in (
17) is defined as
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_f.m
% rbb_f - function value for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA
% function f = rbb_f(x, Prob)
function f = rbb_f(x, Prob)
alpha = Prob.user.alpha;
f = alpha*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;
The value in the field
Prob.user is the α value. It is
defined before calling the solver, either in a TOMLAB Init File, or
directly before the call by explicit setting the
structure. In a similar way the gradient routine is defined as
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_g.m
% rbb_g - gradient vector for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA
% function g = rbb_g(x, Prob)
function g = rbb_g(x, Prob)
alpha = Prob.user.alpha;
g = [-4*alpha*x(1)*(x(2)-x(1)^2)-2*(1-x(1)); 2*alpha*(x(2)-x(1)^2)];
If the gradient routine is not supplied, TOMLAB will use finite differences
(or automatic differentiation) if the gradient vector is needed for
the particular solver.
In this case it is also easy to compute the Hessian matrix, which
gives the following code
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_H.m
% rbb_H - Hessian matrix for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA
% function H = crbb_H(x, Prob)
function H = crbb_H(x, Prob)
alpha = Prob.user.alpha;
H = [ 12*alpha*x(1)^2-4*alpha*x(2)+2 , -4*alpha*x(1);
-4*alpha*x(1) , 2*alpha ];
If the Hessian routine is not supplied, TOMLAB will use finite differences
(or automatic differentiation) if the Hessian matrix is needed for
the particular solver. Often a positive-definite approximation of
the Hessian matrix is estimated during the optimization ,
and the second derivative routine is then not used.
If using the constraints defined for the example in (
17) then
a constraint routine needs to defined for the single nonlinear constraint,
in this case
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_c.m
% rbb_c - nonlinear constraint vector for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA
% function c = crbb_c(x, Prob)
function c = crbb_c(x, Prob)
cx = -x(1)^2 - x(2);
The constraint Jacobian matrix is also of interest and is defined as
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_dc.m
% rbb_dc - nonlinear constraint gradient matrix
% for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA
% function dc = crbb_dc(x, Prob)
function dc = crbb_dc(x, Prob)
% One row for each constraint, one column for each variable.
dc = [-2*x(1),-1];
If the constraint Jacobian routine is not supplied,
TOMLAB will use finite differences
(or automatic differentiation) to estimate the constraint Jacobian matrix
if it is needed for the particular solver.
The solver
nlpSolve is also using the second derivatives of
the constraint vector. The result is returned as a weighted sum
of the second derivative matrices with respect to each constraint
vector element, the weights being the Lagrange multipliers supplied
as input to the routine.
For the example problem the routine is defined as
File: tomlab/usersguide/rbb_d2c.m
% rbb_d2c - The second part of the Hessian to the Lagrangian function for the
% nonlinear constraints for Rosenbrocks Banana, Problem RB BANANA,i.e.
% lam' * d2c(x)
% in
% L(x,lam) = f(x) - lam' * c(x)
% d2L(x,lam) = d2f(x) - lam' * d2c(x) = H(x) - lam' * d2c(x)
% function d2c=crbb_d2c(x, lam, Prob)
function d2c=crbb_d2c(x, lam, Prob)
% The only nonzero element in the second derivative matrix for the single
% constraint is the (1,1) element, which is a constant -2.
d2c = lam(1)*[-2 0; 0 0];
6.1.1 Communication between user routines
It is often the case that mathematical
expressions that occur in the function computation also
is part of the gradient and Hessian computation.
If these operations are costly it is natural to avoid recomputing
these and reuse them when computing the gradient and Hessian.
The function routine is always called before the gradient routine
in TOMLAB , and the gradient routine is always called before the
Hessian routine. The constraint routine is similarly called before
the computation of the constraint gradient matrix. However, the
TOM solvers call the function before the constraint routine, but
the SOL solvers do the reverse.
Thus it is safe to use global variables to communicate information
from the function routine to the gradient and Hessian, and
similarly from the constraint routine to the constraint gradient
routine. Any non-conflicting name could be used as global
variable, see Table
30 in Appendix
C to find out which names are in use. However, the
recommendation is to always use a predefined global variable named
US_A for this communication. TOMLAB is designed to handle
recursive calls, and any use of new global variables may cause
conflicts. The variable
US_A (and also
US_B ) is
automatically saved in a stack, and any level of recursions may
safely be used. The user is free to use
US_A both as
variable, and as a structure. If much information is to be
communicated, defining
US_A as a structure makes it
possible to send any amount of information between the user
In the
examples directory the constrained optimization
example in
condemo is using the defined functions
con1_f ,
con1_g and
con1_H .
They include an example of communicating
one exponential expression between
the routines.
lsdemo example file in
examples directory communicates two exponential expressions
ls1_J with the use of
US_A and
US_B .
ls1_r the main part is
global US_A
t = Prob.LS.t(:);
% Exponential computations takes time, and may be done once, and
% reused when computing the Jacobian
US_A = exp(-x(1)*t);
US_B = exp(-x(2)*t);
r = K*x(1)*(US_B - US_A) / (x(3)*(x(1)-x(2))) - Prob.LS.y;
ls1_J then
US_A is used
global US_A
% Pick up the globally saved exponential computations
e1 = US_A;
e2 = US_B;
% Compute the three columns in the Jacobian, one for each of variable
J = a * [ t.*e1+(e2-e1)*(1-1/b), -t.*e2+(e2-e1)/b, (e1-e2)/x(3)];
For more discussions on global variables and the use of recursive
calls in TOMLAB , see Appendix
In the following sections it is described how to setup problems
in TOMLAB and use the defined m-files.
First comes the simplest way, to use the TOMLAB format.
6.2 Unconstrained Optimization Problems
The use of the TOMLAB format is best illustrated by examples
The following is the first example in the
ucDemo demonstration file. It shows an example of
making a call to
probAssign to create a structure in the TOMLAB TQ format,
and solve the problem with a call to
ucSolve .
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
function uc1Demo
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
format compact
fprintf('Rosenbrocks banana with explicit f(x), g(x) and H(x)\n');
Name = 'RB Banana';
x_0 = [-1.2 1]'; % Starting values for the optimization.
x_L = [-10;-10]; % Lower bounds for x.
x_U = [2;2]; % Upper bounds for x.
fLowBnd = 0; % Lower bound on function.
% Generate the problem structure using the TOMLAB format (short call)
Prob = probAssign('uc', x_L, x_U, Name, x_0, fLowBnd);
% Update the Prob structure with the names of files
Prob = tomFiles(Prob,'uc1_f', 'uc1_g', 'uc1_H');
Result = tomRun('ucSolve', Prob, 1);
Instead of using
probAssign and
tomFiles , it is
possible to use
conAssign with a limited number of input
parameters. In its more general form
conAssign is used to
define constrained problems. It also takes as input the nonzero
pattern of the Hessian matrix, stored in the matrix
HessPattern . In this case all elements of the Hessian matrix
are nonzero, and either
HessPattern is set as empty or as a
matrix with all ones. Also the parameter
pSepFunc should be
set. It defines if the objective function is partially separable,
see Section
14.5. Setting this parameter empty (the
default), then this property is not used. In the above example the
call would be
HessPattern = ones(2,2); % The pattern of nonzeros
pSepFunc = []; % No partial separability used
% conAssign is used to generate the TQ problem structure
Prob = conAssign('uc1_f', 'uc1_g', 'uc1_H', HessPattern, ...
x_L, x_U, Name, x_0, pSepFunc, fLowBnd);
Also see the other examples in
ucDemo on how to solve the problem, when gradients routines
are not present, and numerical differentiation must be used.
An example on how to solve a sequence of problems is also presented.
If the gradient is not possible to define, it is just to set the
corresponding gradient function name empty, or reduce the number of
parameters in the call to
tomFiles , as the following example
uc2Demo ) shows:
% Only give the function. TOMLAB then estimates any derivatives automatically
Prob = tomFiles(Prob,'uc1_f');
The example
uc3Demo in file
ucDemo show how to solve a
sequence of problems in TOMLAB, in this case changing the steepness
parameter α in (
17). It is important to point out
that it is only necessary to define the
Prob structure once
and then just change the varying parameters, in this case the
α value. The version below is slightly modified, doing the
call to
conAssign making the parameter definitions directly.
The α value is sent to the user routines using the field
user in the
Prob structure. Any field in the
Prob structure could be used that is not conflicting with the
predefined fields. In this example the a vector of
structures are saved for later preprocessing.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
function uc3Demo - compact, slightly modified, version
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% conAssign is used to generate the TQ problem structure
% Prob = conAssign(f,g,H, HessPattern, x_L, x_U, Name, x_0, pSepFunc, fLowBnd);
Prob = conAssign('uc3_f',[],[],[],[-10;-10], [2;2], [-1.2;1], 'RB Banana',[],0)
% The different steepness parameters to be tried
Steep = [100 500 1000 10000];
for i = 1:4
Prob.user.alpha = Steep(i);
Result(i) = tomRun('ucSolve', Prob, 1);
6.3 Direct Call to an Optimization Routine
When wanting to solve a problem by a direct call to an optimization
routine there are two possible ways of doing it. The difference is
in the way the problem dependent parameters are defined. The most
natural way is to use a Init File, like the predefined TOMLAB Init
◇_prob (e.g.
uc_prob if the problem
is of the type unconstrained) to define those parameters. The other
way is to define those parameters by first calling the routines
ProbAssign and
tomFiles , or the routine
conAssign . In this subsection, examples of two different
approaches are given.
First, solve the problem
17) as an
unconstrained problem. In this case, define the problem
in the files
ucnew_prob ,
ucnew_f ,
as described in Appendix
D.3. Using the problem definition files in
the working directory solve the problem and print the result by the
following calls.
File: tomlab/usersguide/ucnewSolve1.m
probFile = 'ucnew_prob'; % Problem definition file.
P = 18; % Problem number for the added RB Banana.
Prob = probInit(probFile, P); % Setup Prob structure.
Result = tomRun('ucSolve', Prob, 1);
Now, solve the same problem as in the example above but define the
x_0 ,
x_L and
x_L by calling the
ProbAssign . Note that in this case the file
ucnew_prob is not used, only the files
ucnew_f and
ucnew_g . The file
ucnew_H is not needed because a
quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm is used. The call to the routine
tomFiles defines the files that defines the problem.
File: tomlab/usersguide/ucnewSolve2.m
oType = 'uc'; % Problem type.
x_0 = [-1.2;1]; % Starting values for the optimization.
x_L = [-10;-10]; % Lower bounds for x.
x_U = [2;2]; % Upper bounds for x.
Prob = probAssign(oType, x_L, x_U, 'ucNew',x_0);% Setup Prob structure.
Prob = tomFiles(Prob,'ucnew_f','ucnew_g'); % Problem definition files.
Prob.P = 18; % Problem number.
Prob.Solver.Alg=2; % Use quasi-Newton BFGS
Prob.user.alpha = 100; % Set alpha parameter
Result = tomRun('ucSolve', Prob, 1);
Note that the calls to
ProbAssign and
tomFiles could
be replaced with the following call to
conAssign .
Prob = conAssign('ucnew_f','ucnew_g',[],[],[-10;-10], [2;2], 'ucNew', [-1.2;1]);
6.4 Constrained Optimization Problems
Study the following constrained exponential problem,
Exponential problem III,
exp(x1) (4 x12+ 2 x22+ 4 x1 x2+2 x2+1) |
s/t |
−10 |
≤ |
x1 |
≤ |
10 |
−10 |
≤ |
x2 |
≤ |
10 |
0 |
≤ |
x1 + x2 |
≤ |
0 |
1.5 |
≤ |
−x1 x2+x1+x2 |
−10 |
≤ |
x1 x2 |
(18) |
The first two constraints are simple bounds, the third is a linear
equality constraint, because lower and upper bounds are the same.
The last two constraints are nonlinear inequality constraints.
To solve the problem, define the following statements,
available as
con1Demo in
conDemo .
Name = 'Exponential problem III';
A = [1 1]; % One linear constraint
b_L = 0; % Lower bound on linear constraint
b_U = 0; % b_L == b_U implies equality
c_L = [1.5;-10] % Two nonlinear inequality constraints
c_U = []; % Empty means Inf (default) for the two constraints
x_0 = [-5;5]; % Initial value for x
x_L = [-10;-10]; % Lower bounds on x
x_U = [10;10]; % Upper bounds on x
fLowBnd = 0; % A lower bound on the optimal function value
x_min = [-2;-2]; % Used for plotting, lower bounds
x_max = [4;4]; % Used for plotting, upper bounds
x_opt=[-3.162278, 3.162278; -1.224745, 1.224745]; % Two stationary points
f_opt=[1.156627; 1.8951];
HessPattern = []; % All elements in Hessian are nonzero.
ConsPattern = []; % All elements in the constraint Jacobian are nonzero.
pSepFunc = []; % The function f is not defined as separable
% Generate the problem structure using the TOMLAB format
Prob = conAssign('con1_f', 'con1_g', 'con1_H', HessPattern, x_L, x_U, ...
Name, x_0, pSepFunc, fLowBnd, A, b_L, b_U, 'con1_c', 'con1_dc',...
[], ConsPattern, c_L, c_U, x_min, x_max, f_opt, x_opt);
Result = tomRun('conSolve',Prob);
The following example,
con2Demo in
conDemo ,
illustrates numerical estimates of the gradient and constrained
Jacobian matrix.
Only the statements different from the previous example is given.
Note that the gradient routine is not given at all, but the constraint
Jacobian routine is given.
Prob.ConsDiff greater than zero will overrule the use
of the constraint Jacobian routine.
The solver
conSolve is in this case called directly.
% Generate the problem structure using the TOMLAB format
Prob = conAssign('con1_f', [], [], HessPattern, x_L, x_U, Name, x_0, ...
pSepFunc, fLowBnd, A, b_L, b_U, 'con1_c', 'con1_dc', [], ...
ConsPattern, c_L, c_U, x_min, x_max, f_opt, x_opt);
Prob.NumDiff = 1; % Use standard numerical differences
Prob.ConsDiff = 5; % Use the complex variable method to estimate derivatives
Prob.Solver.Alg = 0; % Use default algorithm in conSolve
Result = tomRun('conSolve', Prob, 1);
The third example,
con3Demo in
conDemo ,
shows how to solve the same problem for a number of
different initial values on x. The initial values are stored in the matrix
X0, and in each loop step
Prob.x_0 is set to one of the columns in
In a similar way any of the values in the Prob structure may be changed
in a loop step, if e.g. the loop is part of a control loop.
The Prob structure only needs to be defined once.
The different initial points reveal that this problem is nasty,
and that several points fulfill the convergence criteria.
Only the statements different from the previous example is given.
A different solver is called dependent on which TOMLAB version is used.
X0 = [ -1 -5 1 0 -5 ;
1 7 -1 0 5];
% Generate the problem structure using the TOMLAB format
Prob = conAssign('con1_f', 'con1_g', 'con1_H', HessPattern, x_L, x_U, Name, ...
X0(:,1), pSepFunc, fLowBnd, A, b_L, b_U, 'con1_c', 'con1_dc',...
[], ConsPattern, c_L, c_U, x_min, x_max, f_opt, x_opt);
Prob.Solver.Alg = 0;
TomV = tomlabVersion;
for i = 1:size(X0,2)
Prob.x_0 = X0(:,i);
if TomV(1:1) ~= 'M'
% Users of v3.0 may instead call MINOS (or SNOPT, NPSOL in v3.0 /SOL)
Result = tomRun('minos',Prob, 2);
Result = tomRun('conSolve',Prob, 2);
The constrained optimization solvers all have proven global convergence
to a local minimum. If the problem is not convex, then it is always
difficult to assure that a global minimum has been reached.
One way to make it more likely that the global minimum is found is to
optimize very many times with different initial values.
The fifth example,
con5Demo in
illustrates this approach by
solving the exponential problem 50 times with randomly generated
initial points.
If the number of variables are not that many, say fifteen,
another approach is to use a global optimization solver
glcSolve to crunch the problem and search
for the global minimum.
If letting it run long enough, it is very likely to find the global
minimum, but maybe not with high precision.
To run
glcSolve the problem must be box-bounded, and the advise is
to try to squeeze the size of the box down as much as possible.
The sixth
con6Demo in
conDemo ,
illustrates a call to
glcSolve . It is very simple to do this call if the problem
has been defined in the TOMLAB format.
The statements needed are the following
Prob.optParam.MaxFunc = 5000; % Define maximal number of function evaluations
Result = tomRun('glcSolve',Prob,2);
A more clever approach, using warm starts and successive checks
on the best function value obtained, is discussed in Section
It is also better to use
glcAssign and not
conAssign if the intension is to use global optimization.
6.5 Efficient use of the TOMLAB solvers
To follow the iterations in the TOMLAB Base Module solvers, it is
useful to set the
IterPrint parameter as true. This gives
one line of information for each iteration. This parameter is part
of the
optParam subfield:
Prob.optParam.IterPrint = 1;
Note that
ucSolve implements a whole set of methods for
unconstrained optimization. If the user explicitly wants Newtons
method to be used, utilizing second order information, then set
Prob.Solver.Alg=1; % Use Newtons Method
will switch to the default BFGS method if no routine has been given
to return the Hessian matrix.
If the user still wants to run Newtons method, then the Hessian
routine must be defined and return an empty Hessian.
That triggers a numerical estimation of the Hessian.
help ucSolve
to see the different algorithmic options and other comments on how to
run the solver.
use line search based methods.
The parameter σ influences the accuracy of
the line search each step.
The default value is
Prob.LineParam.sigma = 0.9; % Inaccurate line search
However, using the
conjugate gradient methods
ucSolve , they
benefit from a more accurate line search
Prob.LineParam.sigma = 0.01; % Default accurate line search for C-G methods
as do quasi-Newton DFP methods (default σ = 0.2).
The test for the last two cases are made
for σ = 0.9. If the user really wishes these methods to use
σ = 0.9, the value must be set slightly different to fool the test:
Prob.LineParam.sigma = 0.9001; % Avoid the default value for C-G methods
The choice of line search interpolation method is also important,
a cubic or quadratic interpolation.
The default is to use cubic interpolation.
Prob.LineParam.LineAlg = 1; % 0 = quadratic, 1 = cubic
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