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12  TOMLAB Utility Functions

In the following subsections the driver routine and the utility functions in TOMLAB  will be described.

12.1  tomRun

General multi-solver driver routine for TOMLAB .

Calling Syntax
Result = tomRun(Solver, Prob, PriLev, ask) Call Solver  on the problem defined in structure Prob 
Result = tomRun(Solver, probFile, probNumber, Prob, PriLev, ask) Call Solver  on problem probNumber  in Init File probFile.m 
Result = tomRun(Solver, probType, probNumber, PriLev, ask) Call Solver  on problem number probNumber  in the default Init File for problem type probType 
tomRun(probType) Display all solvers for probType 
tomRun Display all available solvers for all problem types

Description of Inputs
Solver  The name of the solver that should be used to optimize the problem. If the solver may run several different optimization algorithms, then the values of Prob.Solver.Alg  and Prob.optParam.Method  determines which algorithm and method to be used.
ask  Flag if questions should be asked during problem definition.
ask<0 Use values in uP  if defined or defaults.
ask=0 Use defaults.
ask≥ 1 Ask questions in probFile .
ask=[ ] If uP=[ ], ask=−1, else ask=0.
PriLev  Print level when displaying the result of the optimization in the routine PrintResult . See Section 12.11.
PriLev=0 No output.
PriLev=1 Final result, shorter version.
PriLev=2 Final result.
PriLev=3 Full results.
  The printing level in the optimization solver is controlled by setting the parameter Prob.PriLevOpt .
probFile  User problem Init File.
probNumber  Problem number in probFile . probNumber=0 gives a menu in probFile .

Description of Outputs
Result  Structure with result from optimization, see Table B.

The driver routine tomRun  is called from the command line, or called from the menu routine tomMenu  or from the graphical user interface tomGUI  to solve any problem defined in the TOMLAB format or TOMLAB Init File format.

If called with less than the required two parameters, a list of available solvers are printed.

M-files Used
xxxRun.m , xxxRun2.m , PrintResult.m , probInit.m , mkbound.m 

12.2  binbin2lin

Adds constraints when modeling with binary variables which is the product of two other variables.
Calling Syntax
Prob = binbin2lin(Prob, idx4, idx1, idx2, idx3)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem structure to be converted.
idx4  Indices for b4 variables.
idx1  Indices for b1 variables.
idx2  Indices for b2 variables.
idx3  Indices for b3 variables.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Problem structure with added constraints.

b4 = b1 * b2. The problem should be built with the extra variable b4 in place of the b1*b2 products. The indices of the unique product variables are needed to convert the problem properly.

Three inequalities are added to the problem:
b4 <= b1
b4 <= b2
b4 >= b1 + b2 − 1
By adding this b4 will always be the product of b1 and b2.

The routine also handles products of three binary variables. b4 = b1 * b2 * b3. The following constraints are then added:
b4 <= b1
b4 <= b2
b4 <= b3
b4 >= b1 + b2 + b3 − 1

12.3  bincont2lin

Adds constraints when modeling with binary variables which are multiplied by integer or continuous variables. This is the most efficient way to get rid off quadratic objectives or constraints.
Calling Syntax
Prob = bincont2lin(Prob, idx_prod, idx_bin, idx_cont)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem structure to be converted.
idx_prod  Indices for product variables.
idx_bin  Indices for binary variables.
idx_cont  Indices for continuous/integer variables.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Problem structure with added constraints.

prod = bin * cont. The problem should be built with the extra variables prod in place of the bin*cont products. The indices of the unique product variables are needed to convert the problem properly.

Three inequalities are added to the problem:
prod <= cont
>= contxU * (1 − bin)
prod <= xU * bin
By adding this prod will always equal bin * cont.

12.4  checkFuncs

TOMLAB  routine for verifying user supplied routines. The routine could be used for general debugging.
Calling Syntax
exitFlag = checkFuncs(Prob, Solver, PriLev)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem structure created with assign routine.
Solver  Solver that will be used. For example 'knitro' (default).
PriLev  0 - suppress warnings (info), 1 - full printing (default).

Description of Outputs
exitFlag  0 if no errors.

12.5  checkDerivs

TOMLAB  routine for verifying derivatives of user supplied routines.
Calling Syntax
= checkDerivs(Prob, x_k, PriLev, ObjDerLev, ConsDerLev, AbsTol)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem structure created with assign routine.
x_k  Point the check derivatives for. Default x_0 or (xL+xU)/2. x_L and x_U have to be within 1e5.
PriLev  Print Level, default 1. (0-1 valid).
ObjDerLev  Depth for objective derivative check, 1 - checks gradient, 2 checks gradient and Hessian. Default 2 or level of derivatives supplied.
ConsDerLev  Depth for constraint derivative check, 1 - checks Jacobian, 2 checks Jacobian and 2nd part of the Hessian to the Lagrangian function. Default 2 or level of derivatives supplied.
AbsTol  Absolute tolerance for errors. Default [1e-5 1e-3 1e-4 1e-3 1e-4] (g H dc d2c J).

Description of Outputs
exitFlag  If exitFlag  = 0 a problem exist. See output for more information. Binary indicates where problem is: 0 1 0 1 1. 1+2+8 = 13. Problems everywhere but 'dc', 'J'. 1 1 1 1 1 = 'J' 'd2c' 'dc' 'H' 'g'.
output  Structure containing analysis information.
  g,H,dc,d2c,J Structure with results.
  minErr: The smallest error.
  avgErr: The average error.
  maxErr: The largest error.
  idx: Index for elements with errors.
  exitFlag: 1 if problem with the function.

See Also

12.6  cpTransf

Transform general convex programs on the form
s/t xL x xU
  bL Ax bU
where x,xL,xU∈ Rn, A∈ Rm× n and bL,bU ∈ Rm, to other forms.
Calling Syntax
= cpTransf(Prob, TransfType, makeEQ, LowInf)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem description structure. The following fields are used:
QP.c  Constant vector c in cTx.
A  Constraint matrix for linear constraints.
b_L  Lower bounds on the linear constraints.
b_U  Upper bounds on the linear constraints.
x_L  Lower bounds on the variables.
x_U  Upper bounds on the variables.
TransfType  Type of transformation, see the description below.
MakeEQ  Flag, if set true, make standard form (all equalities).
LowInf  Variables equal to −Inf or variables <LowInf are set to LowInf before transforming the problem. Default −10−4. |LowInf | are limit if upper bound variables are to be used.

Description of Outputs
AA  The expanded linear constraint matrix.
bb  The expanded upper bounds for the linear constraints.
meq  The first meq  equations are equalities.

If TransType=1 the program is transformed into the form
s/t AA(xxL) bb
  xxL 0
where the first meq constraints are equalities. Translate back with (fixed variables do not change their values):
x(~x_L==x_U) = (x-x_L) + x_L(~x_L==x_U)
If TransType=2 the program is transformed into the form
s/t     AA(x) bb
  xL x xU
where the first meq constraints are equalities.

If TransType=3 the program is transformed into the form
s/t AA x bb
  x xL
where the first meq constraints are equalities.

12.7  estBestHessian

estBestHessian estimates the best Hessian. Result.x_k(:,1) will be used for the estimation. The best step-size is estimated by TOMLAB. If the gradient is given it will be used. The analytical hessian is returned if given.
Calling Syntax
= estBestHessian(Result);
Description of Inputs
Result  Problem structure to be converted.

Description of Outputs
g_k  The gradient at Result.x_k(:,1).
H_k  Hessian of the objective at Result.x_k(:,1).

12.8  lls2qp

Converts an lls problem to a new problem based on the formula below. Only the objective function is affected. The problem can be of any type with an LLS objective.

f(x) =
|| C xd || =
  0.5 * (yCx)'*(yCx) = 0.5 * (y'y − 2y'Cx + x'C'Cx) =
  0.5 * y'y + 0.5 * x'Fx + c'x
  F = C'C
  c' = −y'C
const =

Calling Syntax
qpProb = lls2qp(Prob, IntVars)
Description of Inputs
Prob.LS.C  The linear matrix in 0.5 * ||yCx||.
Prob.LS.y  The constant vector in 0.5 * ||yCx||.

Description of Outputs
qpProb  The converted problem.

If the problem is a linear least squares problem a qp problem is created. The new problem may have integer variables. Create the problem with llsAssign then use this routine.

If the problem has nonlinear constraints an nlp is created. The new problem may have integer variables. Create the problem with conAssign or minlpAssign, the set the fields Prob.LS.C and Prob.LS.y

12.9  LineSearch

LineSearch  solves line search problems of the form
0<α min≤ α ≤ α max
where x, p ∈ Rn.
Calling Syntax
Result = LineSearch(f, g, x, p, f_0, g_0, LineParam, alphaMax, pType, PriLev, varargin)
Description of Inputs
f  Name of m-file computing the objective function f(x).
g  Name of m-file computing the gradient vector g(x).
x  Current iterate x.
p  Search direction p.
f_0  Function value at α=0.
g_0  Gradient at α=0, the directed derivative at the present point.
LineParam  Structure with line search parameters 19, the following fields are used:
LineAlg  Type of line search algorithm, 0 = quadratic interpolation, 1 = cubic interpolation.
fLowBnd  Lower bound on the function value at optimum.
  sigma  InitStepLength  rho  tau1  tau2  tau3  eps1  eps2  see Table 19.
alphaMax  Maximal value of step length α.
pType  Type of problem:
0 Normal problem.
1 Nonlinear least squares.
2 Constrained nonlinear least squares.
3 Merit function minimization.
4 Penalty function minimization.
PriLev  Printing level:
PriLev > 0 Writes a lot of output in LineSearch .
PriLev > 3 Writes a lot of output in intpol2  and intpol3 .
varargin  Other parameters directly sent to low level routines.

Description of Outputs
Result  Result structure with fields:
alpha  Optimal line search step α.
f_alpha  Optimal function value at line search step α.
g_alpha  Optimal gradient value at line search step α.
alphaVec  Vector of trial step length values.
r_k  Residual vector if Least Squares problem, otherwise empty.
J_k  Jacobian matrix if Least Squares problem, otherwise empty.
f_k  Function value at xp.
g_k  Gradient value at xp.
c_k  Constraint value at xp.
dc_k  Constraint gradient value at xp.

The function LineSearch  together with the routines intpol2  and intpol3  implements a modified version of a line search algorithm by Fletcher [23]. The algorithm is based on the Wolfe-Powell conditions and therefore the availability of first order derivatives is an obvious demand. It is also assumed that the user is able to supply a lower bound fLow on f(α). More precisely it is assumed that the user is prepared to accept any value of f(α) for which f(α) ≤ fLow. For example in a nonlinear least squares problem fLow=0 would be appropriate.

LineSearch  consists of two parts, the bracketing phase and the sectioning phase. In the bracketing phase the iterates α(k) moves out in an increasingly large jumps until either ffLow is detected or a bracket on an interval of acceptable points is located. The sectioning phase generates a sequence of brackets [a(k),b(k)] whose lengths tend to zero. Each iteration pick a new point α(k) in [a(k),b(k)] by minimizing a quadratic or a cubic polynomial which interpolates f(a(k)), f(a(k)), f(b(k) ) and f(b(k)) if it is known. The sectioning phase terminates when α(k) is an acceptable point.

12.10  preSolve

Simplify the structure of the constraints and the variable bounds in a linear constrained program.
Calling Syntax
Prob = preSolve(Prob)
Description of Inputs
Prob  Problem description structure. The following fields are used:
A  Constraint matrix for linear constraints.
b_L  Lower bounds on the linear constraints.
b_U  Upper bounds on the linear constraints.
x_L  Lower bounds on the variables.
x_U  Upper bounds on the variables.

Description of Outputs
Prob  Problem description structure. The following fields are changed:
A  Constraint matrix for linear constraints.
b_L  Lower bounds on the linear constraints, set to NaN for redundant constraints.
b_U  Upper bounds on the linear constraints, set to NaN for redundant constraints.
x_L  Lower bounds on the variables.
x_U  Upper bounds on the variables.

The routine preSolve  is an implementation of those presolve analysis techniques described by Gondzio in [39], which is applicable to general linear constrained problems. See [7] for a more detailed presentation.

preSolve  consists of the two routines clean  and mksp . They are called in the sequence clean , mksp , clean . The second call to clean  is skipped if the mksp  routine could not remove a single nonzero entry from A .

clean  consists of two routines, r_rw_sng  that removes singleton rows and el_cnsts  that improves variable bounds and uses them to eliminate redundant and forcing constraints. Both r_rw_sng  and el_cnsts  check if empty rows appear and eliminate them if so. That is handled by the routine emptyrow . In clean  the calls to r_rw_sng  and el_cnsts  are repeated (in given order) until no further reduction is obtained.

Note that rows are actually not deleted or removed, instead preSolve  indicates that constraint i is redundant by setting b_L(i)=b_U(i)=NaN and leaves to the calling routine to decide what to do with those constraints.

12.11  PrintResult

Prints the result of an optimization.
Calling Syntax
PrintResult(Result, PriLev)
Description of Inputs
Result  Result structure from optimization.
PriLev  Printing level: (default 3)
0 Silent.
1 Problem number and name.
  Function value at the solution and at start.
  Known optimal function value (if given).
2 As PriLev =1 and:
  Optimal point x and starting point x_0.
  Number of evaluations of the function, gradient etc.
  Lagrange multipliers, both returned and TOMLAB  estimate.
  Distance from start to solution.
  The residual, gradient and projected gradient. (*)
  ExitFlag and Inform.
  (*) The calculation and output of these fields is controlled by Result.Prob.PrintLM .
3 As PriLev =2 and:
  Jacobian, Hessian or Quasi-Newton Hessian approximation.

Global Parameters Used
  To avoid too many variables, constraints and residuals in the output, three global variables are limiting the number printed:
MAX_x  Maximum number of variables
MAX_c  Maximum number of constraints
MAX_r  Maximum number of residuals in least squares problems
Example: To increase the number of variables printed by PrintResult  to 50, do
global MAX_x
MAX_x = 50;

12.12  runtest

Run all selected problems defined in a problem file for a given solver.
Calling Syntax
runtest(Solver, SolverAlg, probFile, probNumbs, PriLevOpt, wait, PriLev)
Description of Inputs
Solver  Name of solver, default conSolve .
SolverAlg  A vector of numbers defining which of the Solver  algorithms to try. For each element in SolverAlg , all probNumbs  are solved. Leave empty, or set 0 if to use the default algorithm.
probFile  Problem definition file. probFile  is by default set to con_prob  if Solver  is conSolve , uc_prob  if Solver  is ucSolve  and so on.
probNumbs  A vector with problem numbers to run. If empty, run all problems in probFile .
PriLevOpt  Printing level in Solver . Default 2, short information from each iteration.
wait  Set wait  to 1 if pause after each problem. Default 1.
PriLev  Printing level in PrintResult . Default 5, full information.

M-files Used

See Also

12.13  SolverList

Prints the available solvers for a certain solvType .
Calling Syntax
= SolverList(solvType)
Description of Inputs
solvType  Either a string 'uc', 'con' etc. or the corresponding solvType  number. See Table 2.2.

Description of Outputs
SolvList  String matrix with the names of the solvers for the given solvType .
SolvTypeList  Integer vector with the solvType  for each of the solvers.
SolvDriver  String matrix with the names of the driver routine for each different solvType .

The routine SolverList  prints all available solvers for a given solvType , including Fortran, C and Matlab  Optimization Toolbox solvers. If solvType  is not specified then SolverList  lists all available solvers for all different solvType . The input argument could either be a string such as 'uc', 'con' etc. or a number corresponding to the type of solver, see Table 2.2.

See Section 3.

M-files Used

12.14  StatLS

Compute parameter statistics for least squares problems.
Calling Syntax
LS = StatLS(x_k, r_k, J_k);
Description of Inputs
x_k  Optimal parameter vector, length n.
r_k  Residual vector, length m.
J_k  Jacobian matrix, length m by n.

Description of Outputs
Structure LS with fields:
SSQ  Sum of squares: rk'*rk
Covar  Covariance matrix: Inverse of J' *diag(1./(rk'*rk)) * J
sigma2  Estimate squared standard deviation of problem, SSQ / Degrees of freedom, i.e. SSQ/(m-n)
Corr  Correlation matrix: Normalized Covariance matrix
  Cov./(CovDiag*CovDiag'), where CovDiag = sqrt(diag(Cov))
StdDev  Estimated standard deviation in parameters: CovDiag*sqrt(sigma2)
x  =x_k, the input x
ConfLim  95 % Confidence limit (roughly) assuming normal distribution of errors ConfLim = 2*LS.StdDev
CoeffVar  The coefficients of variation of estimates: StdDev./xk

12.15  systest

Run big test to check for bugs in TOMLAB .
Calling Syntax
systest(solvTypes, PriLevOpt, PriLev, wait)
Description of Inputs
solvTypes  A vector of numbers defining which solvType  to test.
PriLevOpt  Printing level in the solver. Default 2, short information from each iteration.
wait  Set wait  to 1 if pause after each problem. Default 1.
PriLev  Printing level in PrintResult . Default 5, full information.

See Also

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