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14 Special Notes and Features
In this section several topics of general interest, which enables
a more efficient use of TOMLAB are collected.
14.1 Speed and Solution of Optimization Subproblems
It is often the case that the full solution of an optimization
problem involves the solution of subtasks, which themselves are
optimization problems. In fact, most general solvers are constructed
that way, they solve well-defined linear or quadratic subproblems as
part of the main algorithm. TOMLAB has a standard way of calling a
subsolver with the use of the driver routine
tomSolve . The
syntax is similar to the syntax of
tomRun . Calling
QPOPT to solve a QP sub problem is made with the call
Result = tomRun('qpopt', Prob);
The big advantage is that
tomSolve handles the global
variables with a stack strategy, see Appendix
Therefore it is possible to run any level of recursive calls with
the TOMLAB TOM solvers, that all run in Matlab . Even if care has
been taken in the MEX-file interfaces to avoid global variable and
memory conflicts, there seem to be some internal memory conflicts
occurring when calling recursively the same MEX-file solver.
Luckily, because TOMLAB has several solver options, it should be
possible to use different solvers. In one recent two-stage
optimization, a control problem, even four solvers were used.
glcSolve was used to find a good initial value for the main
optimization and
SNOPT was used to find the exact solution.
In each iteration several small optimization problems had to be
solved. Here
glbSolve was used to find a good initial point
close to the global optimum, and
MINOS then iterated until
good accuracy was found.
The general TOM solvers
clsSolve ,
conSolve ,
cutplane ,
mipSolve ,
nlpSolve ,
sTrustr have all been designed so it shall be possible to
change the subproblem solver. For example to solve the QP
subproblems in
conSolve there are several alternatives,
qpSolve or even
SNOPT . If using the BFGS
update in
conSolve , which guarantees that the subproblems are
convex, then furthermore
QLD or
SQOPT could be used.
The QP, LP, FP (feasible point) and DLP (dual LP) subproblems have
special treatment. A routine
CreateProbQP creates the
Prob structure for the subproblem. The routine checks on the
Prob.QP.SOL and
Prob.QP.optParam and move these
to the usual places
Prob.SOL and
Prob.optParam for the
subproblem. Knowing this, the user may send his own choices of these
two important subfields as input to
conSolve and the other
solvers mentioned. The choice of the subsolver is made by giving the
name of the wanted subsolver as the string placed in
Prob.SolverQP for QP subproblems and similar for the other
subproblems. Note that the time consuming call to
CreateProbQP is only done once in the solver, and after that
only the fields necessary to be changed are altered in each
Note that if the user needs to cut CPU time as much possible,
one way to save some time is to call
instead of
tomRun .
But no checks are made on the structure
Prob , and such tricks
should only be made at the production stage,
when the code is known to be error free.
Another way to cut down CPU time for a nonlinear problem is to set
Prob.LargeScale = 1;
even if the problem is not that large (but time consuming).
TOMLAB will then not collect information from iterations, and
not try to estimate the search steps made. This information is
only used for plotting, and is mostly not needed.
Note that this change might lead to other choices of default solvers,
because TOMLAB thinks the problem is large and sparse.
So the default choices might have to be overridden.
14.2 User Supplied Problem Parameters
If a problem is dependent on a few parameters, it is convenient to
avoid recoding for each change of these parameters, or to define one
problem for each of the different parameter choices. The user
supplied problem parameters gives the user an easy way to change the
creation of a problem. A field in the
Prob structure, the
Prob.user is used to store the user supplied problem
parameters. The field
Prob.uP could be used when using the
TOMLAB Init File format.
Prob.uP , if set, is a numerical matrix or vector (recommended)
with numbers. Its primary use is defining sizes and other vitals
parameters, like initial value choices, in problems defined as Init
Prob.uP may not be a Matlab struct.
ask==1 is set, it is easy to change the values of
in the test problems interactively. However, if setting
Prob.uP directly (needed for batch runs) it is more difficult.
Three different ways to set
Prob.uP are described below.
Following these examples will get the problem setup correctly.
The first option assumes that the Prob structure is defined
Prob = ProbDef;
Prob.Name = 'Exponential problem (pseudorand)';
Prob.uPName = Prob.Name; % Special field used to identify the uP parameters
Prob.P = 14;
Prob.uP = [60, 180]; % Increase the problem size to n=60, m=180
Prob = probInit('ls_prob',14,-1,Prob);
The advantage is that other fields may also be set, however they
could also be set after the
probInit call.
The second way avoid defining the full Prob structure. The field
probFile must then also be initialized.
Prob = [];
Prob.Name = 'Exponential problem (pseudorand)';
Prob.uPName = Prob.Name; % Special field used to identify the uP parameters
Prob.probFile = [];
Prob.P = 14;
Prob.uP = [60, 180]; % Increase the problem size to n=60, m=180
Prob = probInit('ls_prob',14,-1,Prob);
In the third and final option the
uP parameters could be sent
directly as the 4th input to
probInit , instead of the problem
structure Prob.
Prob = probInit('ls_prob',14,-1,[60, 180]);
Note: One must not change
Prob.uP after executing
probInit . Doing this will normally result in a crash in some
routine, e.g.
ls_r or
ls_J or in erroneous results.
The best way to describe the User Supplied Problem Parameter feature
inside Init Files is by an example. Assume that a problem with
variable dimension needs to be created. If the user wants to change
the dimension of the problem during the initialization of the
problem, i.e. in the call to the Init File, the routine
askparam is helpful. Problem 27 in
cls_prob is an
example of the this:
elseif P==27
% n problem variables, n >= 1 , default n = 10
uP = checkuP(Name,Prob);
n = askparam(ask, 'Give problem dimension ', 1, [], 10, uP);
uP(1) = n;
y = zeros(n,1);
x_0 = zeros(n,1);
x_opt = 3.5*ones(n,1);
The routine
checkuP is checking if the input Prob structure
has the field
Prob.uP defined, and if the Name of the problem
is the same as the one set in
Prob.Name . If this is true,
uP is set to supplied value. When calling
askparam , if
ask <= 0, the dimension
n is set to the default value 10 if
uP is empty, otherwise to the value of
uP . If
ask > 0
is set by the user,
askparam will ask the question
problem dimension and set the value given by user. At the end of
the Init File, the field
Prob.uP is assigned the value of
uP(1) .
Using the routine
checkuP , called after the Name variable is
assigned, and the general question asking routine
askparam ,
it is easy to add the feature of user supplied problem parameters to
any user problem. Type
help askparam for information about the
parameters sent to
askparam .
To send any amount of other information to the low-level user
routines, it is recommended to use sub fields of
Prob.user as
described in Section
In the other problem definition files,
cls_r and
cls_J in this example, the parameter(s) are "unpacked" and
can be used e.g. in the definition of the Jacobian.
elseif P==27
% 'RELN'
n = Prob.uP(1);
If questions should be asked during the setup of the problem, in the
Init File, the user must set the integer
ask positive in the
call to
probInit . See the example below:
Prob = probInit('cls_prob',27,ask);
The system will now ask for the problem dimension, and assuming the
choice of the dimension is 20, the output would be:
Current value = 10
Give problem dimension 20
Now call
clsSolve to solve the problem,
Result=tomRun('clsSolve', Prob, 1);
As a second example assume that the user wants to solve the problem
above for all dimensions between 10 and 30. The following code
snippet will do the job.
for dim=10:30
Prob = [];
Prob.uP(1) = dim;
PriLev = 0;
Result = tomRun('clsSolve', 'cls_prob', 27, Prob, PriLev);
14.3 User Given Stationary Point
Known stationary points could be defined in the problem definition files.
It is also possible for the user to define the type of stationary point
(minimum, saddle or maximum).
When defining the problem
17) in the previous sections,
x_opt was set as (1,1) in the problem definition files.
If it is known that
this point is a minimum point the definition of
could be extended to
x_opt = [1 1 StatPntType]; % Known optimal point (optional).
StatPntType equals 0, 1, or 2 depending on the type of
the stationary point (minimum, saddle or maximum).
In this case set
StatPntType to 0
since (1,1) is a minimum point. The extension becomes
x_opt = [1 1 0]; % Known optimal point (optional).
If there is more than one known stationary point, the points are defined
as rows in a matrix with the values of
StatPntType as the last column.
Assume that (−1,−1) is a saddle point, (1,−2) is a minimum point and
(−3,5) is a maximum point for a certain problem. The definition of
x_opt could then look like
x_opt = [ -1 -1 1
1 -2 0
-3 5 2 ];
Note that it is not necessary to define
x_opt .
is defined it is not necessary to define
StatPntType if
all given points are minimum points.
14.4 Print Levels and Printing Utilities
The amount of printing is determined by setting different print
levels for different parts of the TOMLAB system. The parameter is
locally most often called
PriLev . There are two main print
levels. One that determines the output printing of the driver or
menu routines, set in the input structure as
Prob.PriLev . The
other printing level, defined in
Prob.PriLevOpt , determines
the output in the TOM solvers and for the SOL solvers, the output in
the Matlab part of the MEX file interface. In Table
13 the meaning of different print levels are
defined. There is a third print level, defined in
Prob.optParam.PriLev , that determines how much output is
written by the SOL solvers on files. See the SOL reference guides
available from
http://tomopt.com for details on this.
The utility routine
PrintResult prints the results of an
optimization given the
Result structure.
The amount of printing is determined by a second input argument
PriLev .
The driver routine
tomRun also makes a call to
PrintResult after the optimization, and if the
input parameter
PriLev is greater than zero,
the result will be the same as calling
PrintResult afterwards.
PrintResult is using the
global variables,
MAX_c ,
MAX_x and
to limit the lengths of arrays displayed.
All Matlab routines in the SOL interfaces are also using these global
The global variables get
default values by a call to
tomlabInit .
or if empty is set to default values by the different routines using them.
The following example show the lines needed to change the default values.
global MAX_c MAX_x MAX_r
MAX_x = 100;
MAX_c = 50;
MAX_r = 200;
This code could either be executed at the command line, or in any main
routine or script that the user defines.
Table 13: Print level in the TOM solvers, Prob.PriLevOpt
Value |
Description |
< 0 |
Totally silent. |
0 |
Error messages and warnings. |
1 |
Final results including convergence test results and minor warnings. |
2 |
Each iteration, short output. |
3 |
Each iteration, more output. |
4 |
Line search or QP information. |
5 |
Hessian output, final output in solver. |
There is a wait flag field in
optParam ,
optParam.wait .
If this flag is set true, most of the TOM solvers
uses the pause statement to avoid the
output just flushing by.
The user must press
RETURN to continue execution.
The fields in
optParam is described in Table
The TOM solvers routines print large amounts of output if high
values for the
PriLev parameter is set. To make the output
look better and save space, several printing utilities have been
For matrices there are two routines,
mPrint and
PrintMatrix . The routine
PrintMatrix prints a matrix
with row and column labels. The default is to print the row and
column number. The standard row label is eight characters long. The
supplied matrix name is printed on the first row, the column label
row, if the length of the name is at most eight characters.
Otherwise the name is printed on a separate row.
The standard column label is seven characters long, which is the
minimum space an element will occupy in the print out. On a 80
column screen, then it is possible to print a maximum of ten
elements per row. Independent on the number of rows in the matrix,
PrintMatrix will first display
A(:,1:10), then
and so on.
The routine
PrintMatrix tries to be intelligent and avoid
decimals when the matrix elements are integers. It determines the
maximal positive and minimal negative number to find out if more
than the default space is needed. If any element has an absolute
value below 10
−5 (avoiding exact zeros) or if the maximal
elements are too big, a switch is made to exponential format. The
exponential format uses ten characters, displaying two decimals and
therefore seven matrix elements are possible to display on each row.
For large matrices, especially integer matrices, the user might prefer
the routine
mPrint . With this routine a more dense output is possible.
All elements in a matrix row is displayed (over several output rows)
before next matrix row is printed. A row label with the name of the matrix
and the row number is displayed to the left using the Matlab style of syntax.
The default in
mPrint is to eight characters per element, with two
decimals. However, it is easy to change the format and the number of elements
displayed. For a binary matrix it is possible to display 36 matrix columns in
one 80 column row.
14.5 Partially Separable Functions
The routine
sTrustr implements a structured trust region algorithm
for partially separable functions (
A definition of a
psf is given below
and an illustrative example of how such a function is defined and used
f is partially separable if
iM fi(
where, for each
i {1,...,
M } there exists
a subspace
Ni ≠ 0 such that,
for all
w Ni and
for all
x X, it holds that
X is the closed convex subset of
Rn defined by the
Consider the problem
DAS 2 in
File: tomlab/testprob/con_prob
r = |
A = |
−1 |
−2 |
−1 |
−1 |
−3 |
−1 |
−2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
b = |
The objective function in (
22) is partially separable according to
the definition above and the constraints are linear and therefore they define
a convex set.
DAS 2 is defined as the constrained problem 14 in
con_prob ,
con_f ,
con_g etc. as an illustrative
example of how to define a problem with a partially separable objective
function. Note the definition of
pSepFunc in
con_prob .
One way to solve problem (
22) with
sTrustr is to
define the following statements:
probFile = 'con_prob'; % Name of Init File
P = 14; % Problem number in con_prob
Prob = probInit(probFile, P); % Define a problem structure
Result = tomRun('sTrustr', Prob, 0);
The sequence of statements are similar to normal use of TOMLAB .
The only thing that triggers the use of the partial separability is
the definition of the variable
Prob.PartSep.pSepFunc .
To solve the same problem, and avoiding the use of
the following statements could be used:
probFile = 'con_prob'; % Name of Init File
P = 14; % Problem number in con_prob
Prob = probInit(probFile, P); % Define a problem structure
Prob.PartSep.pSepFunc = 0; % Redefining number of separable functions
Result = tomRun('sTrustr', Prob, 0);
Another alternative is to set
Prob.PartSep as empty before the call to
sTrustr .
This example, slightly expanded, is included in the distribution
psfDemo in directory
examples .
14.6 Utility Test Routines
The utility routines listed in Table
14 run
tests on a large set of test problems.
Table 14: System test routines.
Function |
Description |
Section |
runtest |
Runs all selected problems defined in a problem
file for a given solver. |
12.12 |
systest |
Runs big test for each probType in TOMLAB . |
12.15 |
runtest routine may also be useful for a user running a
large set of optimization problems, if the user does not need to
send special information in the
Prob structure for each
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